Vincent Community Board Meeting

Tuesday, 2 May 2023



Tuesday, 2 May 2023


2.00 pm


Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra


(A link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council's website.)


Louise van der Voort

Interim Chief Executive Officer


Vincent Community Board Agenda

2 May 2023


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Vincent Community Board will be held in Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra and live streamed via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 2.00 pm. The link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council’s website.

Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 5

2          Public Forum.. 5

3          Confirmation of Minutes. 5

Vincent Community Board meeting Meeting - 21 March 2023. 7

4          Declaration of Interest 13

23.3.1            Declarations of Interest Register 13

5          Reports. 16

23.3.2            2022/23 Community and Promotions Grants Applications - 2nd Round. 16

23.3.3            Alexandra District Museum Inc Accountability Report 2021-22. 21

23.3.4            Half Mile Recreation Reserve Redevelopment 62

6          Mayor’s Report 85

23.3.5            Mayor's Report 85

7          Chair's Report 86

23.3.6            Chair's Report 86

8          Members' Reports. 87

23.3.7            Members' Reports. 87

9          Status Reports. 88

23.3.8            May 2023 Governance Report 88

10       Date of the Next Meeting. 109

11       Resolution to Exclude the Public. 110

23.3.9            May 2023 Confidential Governance Report 110



Members           Cr T Alley (Chairperson), Dr R Browne, Mr J Cromb, Mr T Hammington, Mr D Johns, Cr M McPherson, Cr T Paterson

In Attendance  T Cadogan (Mayor), L van der Voort (Interim Chief Executive Officer), S Righarts (Group Manager - Business Support), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)


1                 Apologies

2                 Public Forum

3                 Confirmation of Minutes

Vincent Community Board meeting - 21 March 2023

Vincent Community Board Agenda

2 May 2023


Vincent Community Board
Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra
Tuesday, 21 March 2023 COMMENCING AT 2.00 pm


PRESENT:              Cr T Alley (Chairperson), Dr R Browne, Mr J Cromb, Mr D Johns, Cr M McPherson, Cr T Paterson

IN ATTENDANCE: T Cadogan (Mayor), S Righarts (Group Manager - Business Support), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), L van der Voort (Group Manager - Planning and Infrastructure), S Finlay (Chief Financial Officer, Contractor), D McKewen (Accountant), G Virk (Graduate Accountant), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)


1                 Apologies

There were no apologies.

2                 Public Forum

Trevor Lawrence – Iceinline Roof Project

Mr Lawrence gave an overview of the proposed roof project and its benefits to the community. He then responded to questions.

Ken Churchill – The Half Mile Reserve Moving Forward

Mr Churchill requested a plan for the clearance and replanting of the Half Mile Reserve.  He asked for community involvement throughout this process.

3                 Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Browne

Seconded:          Johns

That the public minutes of the Vincent Community Board Meeting held on 31 January 2023 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



4                 Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.

5                 Reports

23.2.2         Wilding Conifer Control Policy

To advise the decision from Council whether the Wilding Conifer Control Policy permits a staged approach to wilding conifer removal on Council land.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Cromb


That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Notes the Councils decision that the staged removal of wilding conifers from within individual identified sites is not permitted on Council owned or managed land.

C.      Notes that this includes the removal of trees from the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.


After discussion the items from 23.1.2 were lifted off the table and considered.  It was agreed that the redevelopment of the Half Mile Reserve should take place following a landscape plan being presented to the board for its consideration.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Cromb


D.      Authorises the redevelopment of the Half Mile Reserve, subject to the approval of a landscape plan by the Community Board.

E.      Directs the CEO to investigate funding opportunities for the development of the Half Mile Recreation Reserve with options reported back to the Vincent Community Boards May 2023 meeting.



23.2.3         2023-24 Annual Plan Budget and Fees and Charges Schedule

To approve the draft budgets and the Vincent ward component of the 2023-24 fees and charges schedule for inclusion in Council’s Annual Plan 2023-24 process.

After discussion it was agreed that the fees and charges for the Alexandra Pool would not increase and the schedule would be changed to reflect this.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Paterson

Seconded:          Browne

That the Vincent Community Board


A.   Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.


B. Agrees the draft Vincent ward 2023-24 Annual Plan budget and recommend to Council for inclusion in the 2023-24 Annual Plan.


C. Agrees to accept the Vincent ward 2023-24 fees and charges schedule and recommend to Council for inclusion in the 2023-24 Annual Plan without increases to the entry prices at the Alexandra Pool.



1        Tabled document with workings for options for IceInLine


23.2.4         Vincent Financial Report for the Period Ending 31 December 2022

To consider the financial performance overview as at 31 December 2022.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Johns

That the report be received.



6                 Mayor’s Report

23.2.5         Mayor's Report

His Worship the Mayor gave a verbal update of his activities since the last meeting before responding

to questions.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Alley

Seconded:          Paterson

That the Vincent Community Board receives the report.



7                 Chair's Report

23.2.6         Chair's Report

The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.

·    Attended a Tourism Advisory Board meeting to discuss the DMP

·    Attended VCB workshop and site visit

·    Attended a Alexandra Community House celebration of their 10th Anniversary

·    Met with David Scoones and Nikki Williams to discuss future plans for the libraries

·    Met with the Deputy Principal at Dunstan High School about how CODC and board members could be part of Civics education in at the school

·    Met with Anna Robinson (Otago Catchment Community Inc) and Trudy Anderson (consultant), and other board members to discuss the need for a biodiversity policy in Central Otago


Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Alley

Seconded:          Paterson

That the report be received.



8                 Members' Reports

23.2.7         Members' Reports

Members will gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.

Dr Browne reported on the following:

·    Attended a meeting with Alexandra U3A

·    Attended a meeting of ADMI (Alexandra District Museum Inc)

·    Attended a meeting with the Dunstan Friendship Club

·    Attended a Creative Writers Circle meeting

·    Attended the Central Otago Regional Orchestra AGM

·    Attended a Central Otago District Arts Trust meeting

·    Presented a session on climate change to Lawrence U3A

·    Attended VCB workshop and site visit

·    Met with Anna Robinson (Otago Catchment Community Inc) and Trudy Anderson (consultant), and other board members to discuss the need for a biodiversity policy in Central Otago

Mr Johns reported on the following:

·    Noted that the Golf Course is still very busy with visitors from all over New Zealand

·    Attended a Vallance Cottage meeting

·    Noted that planning is still underway with the RSA for wood deliveries for members

·    Attended the VCB site visit to Central Stories.

Cr McPherson reported on the following:

·    Attended a Council meeting

·    Attended a Hearings Panel meeting

·    Will attend the Blossom Festival AGM next week

Cr Paterson reported on the following:

·      Attended a Manuherekia Exemplar Catchment meeting

·      Chaired a Central Otago Health Incorporated meeting

Mr Cromb reported on the following:

·    Met with Anna Robinson (Otago Catchment Community Inc) and Trudy Anderson (consultant), and other board members to discuss the need for a biodiversity policy in Central Otago

·    VCB workshop day and site visit.

·    Attended the Omakau A&P Show and assisted on the CODC stall to demonstrate the new arrangements for kerbside collection


Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Alley

Seconded:          Browne

That the report be received.


Note: Cr Paterson left the meeting at 3.02 pm.

9                 Status Reports

23.2.8         March 2023 Governance Report

To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Cromb

That the report be received.


Note: Cr Paterson returned to the meeting at 3.05 pm.

10               Date of The Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 2 May 2023.

11               Resolution to Exclude the Public

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Cromb

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

Confidential Minutes of Ordinary Board Meeting

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

23.2.9 - March 2023 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




The public were excluded at 3.06pm and the meeting closed at 3.08 pm.




2 May 2023


4                 Declarations of Interest

23.3.1         Declarations of Interest Register

Doc ID:      652058


1.       Purpose


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



2.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - 20230502 VCB Declarations of Interests.pdf  


Vincent Community Board meeting

2 May 2023



2 May 2023


5                 Reports

23.3.2         2022/23 Community and Promotions Grants Applications - 2nd Round

Doc ID:      621299


1.       Purpose of Report


To consider the second round of the community and promotions grant applications for the 2022/23 financial year.



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Decides the grants to be allocated to the applicants of the community and promotions grants.


2.       Background


The Central Otago District Council contributes to the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the local community through the contestable grants process. 


The objectives of the grants process are:


·    Enhance well-being in the district (social, economic, environmental and cultural)

·    Empower local communities

·    Facilitate the delivery of community outcomes

·    Promote our regional identity: Central Otago A World of Difference.


There are two types of grants that can be applied for, community grants and promotions grants.  Each are funded using different targeted rates, which means that one pool cannot subsidise the other.  Each application must be considered on its own merit and fit with the relevant grant criteria and available budget. 


The Board considers grant applications in two rounds annually.  This is the second round of funding for the 2022/23 financial year.  Applications for the second round closed on the 19th of March 2023 for a decision at this meeting.  


The Vincent Community Board is delegated the authority to consider applications for activities and projects within its boundaries. 


Annually, there is $120,000 to distribute in the Vincent community grants scheme and $41,750 to distribute in the promotions grants scheme.  The following table illustrates the commitments already made and the amounts left to distribute in the 2022/23 year.


Promotions grant applications have been accepted for funding from the 2023/24 financial year. This is due to the timing of the next funding round scheduled for July 2023 not allowing the applicants to apply and have a Board decision prior to the funding commitment being required. The Board has budgeted $41,750 in the draft 2023/24 Annual Plan for promotions grants.




Community Grants

Total budget for 2022/23


Plus returned grants


Less committed from previous rounds


Cost of room hire for funding clinic



Balance left to distribute




Promotions Grants

Total budget for 2022/23


Plus grant no longer required


Plus uncommitted funds from the 21/22 financial year


Less committed from previous rounds


Balance left to distribute




3.       Discussion


Community Grants


Five community grant applications have been received in the current round requesting a total of $25,390.40.  There is a total of $24,805 for community grants to distribute for this second round of funding. 


The details of this round’s applications are provided in the table below:



Name of Organisation

Name of project / service

Purpose of funding

When does the project start

Total costs

Amount requested


Alexandra and Districts Youth Trust

Alexandra Touch Rugby Tournament

Field hire





Alexandra Community Advice Network Inc

Operational Expenses

Proportion of our co-ordinator's salary, rent and general office operating expenses





Arts and Crafts Alexandra Inc

Operating Lease Costs

Lease and associated costs





Alexandra Rotary Club

Annual Book Sale

General Expenses





Family Works (Presbyterian Support Otago) Alexandra

Growing Taller Programme (Alexandra)

Programme Costs





Copies of the application, supporting documentation and staff assessment are provided to Board members under separate cover.


Promotion Grants


One promotions grant application has been received in the current round requesting a total of $9,990 from the current financial year.  There is $3,696 to distribute for this second round.  The details are provided in the table below:



Name of Organisation

Name of project / service

Purpose of funding

When does the project start

Total costs

Amount requested


WoolOn Creative Fashion Society

WoolOn Event/s 2023

 Lighting, Sound and Catwalks





Two promotion grant applications have been received in the current round requesting a total of $34,500 from the 2023-24 financial year.  There is $41,750 budgeted in the draft Annual Plan to distribute.  The details are provided in the table below:



Name of Organisation

Name of project / service

Purpose of funding

When does the project start

Total costs

Amount requested


Alexandra Blossom Festival

Blossom Festival event 2023

Infrastructure, Clean up, waste, electrical, fencing, sound, screen, technical, staging





Otago Cricket Assn

T20 Super Smash Cricket

Broadcast towers and consents





Copies of the applications, supporting documentation and staff assessments are provided to Board members under separate cover.



4.       Financial Considerations


As detailed above, the Board has $24,805 to distribute for the 2022/23 Community Grants round and $3,696 for the 2022/23 Promotions Grants.  It has $41,750 in the draft 2023-24 annual plan budget for promotions grants.


The Board has the delegated authority to spend within this budget.  Any recommendations above these amounts would fall outside of that delegation and would need to be by way of a recommendation to Council.



5.       Options


The Board is asked to consider each application and determine the appropriate level of funding.  There are no other options as the Board has the delegation to allocate grants from the contestable funds.



6.       Compliance


Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of communities, in the present and for the future by providing a contestable funding pool that enables projects to be delivered in the community that enhance well-being.


Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.

Yes, this decision is consistent with the Grants Policy, and other plans and policies that may be impacted by any of the individual grant applications.


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts

There is no direct impact, though some applications may have a positive environmental impact.


Risks Analysis

No risks have been identified in the funding applications. 


Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)

The funding rounds were advertised in the local newspaper, Council’s website and Facebook page, and through combined agency community funding clinics.  Discussions with departments of Council have taken place where there are impacts arising from the application.




7.       Next Steps


Once the Board has made a decision on the level of funding for each organisation, this will be communicated to each applicant and payments made.



8.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - VCB Grants Decision Table (under separate cover)

Appendix 2 - Alexandra Touch Tournament Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 3 - Alexandra Touch Tournament Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 4 - Alexandra Touch Tournament Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 5 - ACAN Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 6 - ACAN Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 7 - ACAN Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 8 - Alex Arts and Crafts Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 9 - Alex Arts and Crafts Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 10 -    Alex Arts and Crafts Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 11 -    Rotary Book Sale Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 12 -    Rotary Book Sale Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 13 -    Rotary Book Sale Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 14 -    PSO Growing Taller Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 15 -    PSO Growing Taller Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 16 -    PSO Growing Taller Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 17 -    WoolOn 2023 - Grant Assessement (under separate cover)

Appendix 18 -    WoolOn 2023 Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 19 -    WoolOn 2023 Supporting Documents (under separate cover)

Appendix 20 -    Alexandra Blossom Festival 2023 - Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 21 -    Alexandra Blossom Festival 2023_Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 22 -    Alexandra Blossom Festival 2023_Supporting Documents (under separate cover)

Appendix 23 -    Otago Cricket T20 Super Smash_Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 24 -    Otago Cricket T20 Super Smash_Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 25 -    Otago Cricket T20 Super Smash_Supporting Documents (under separate cover)  


Report authors:

Reviewed and authorised by:


Alison Mason

 Dylan Rushbrook

Media and Marketing Manager

 Group Manager Community Vision




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Rebecca Williams

Louise van der Voort

Community Development Advisor

Interim Chief Executive Officer





2 May 2023


23.3.3         Alexandra District Museum Inc Accountability Report 2021-22

Doc ID:      623896


1.       Purpose


To provide an accountability report on the objectives and actions of the Alexandra District Museum Inc over the 2021/22 financial year.



That the report be received.



2.       Discussion


Alexandra District Museum Inc. (ADMI), operating as Central Stories Museum and Art Gallery, received $80,120.80 from the Vincent Community Board for the 2021/22 financial year. This grant contributed to operational costs of the museum and art gallery. ADMI’s financial report demonstrates that they have also generated income from other sources to enable them to carry out their activities.


As a condition of funding, ADMI is required to provide an annual report to the community board. The accountability report and supporting documentation are attached as appendix 1 and 2.


ADMI have supplied their financial statements for the 2021/22 financial year, which also includes a statement of service performance.  The statement of service performance discusses some of the challenges the organisation faced in the 2021/22 financial year, particularly relating to staffing. ADMI also presented to the public forum of Vincent Community Board in May 2022, to provide the Board with an update on its activities at that stage. 


The statement of service performance and the minutes of the annual general meeting note the tremendous contribution made by Malcolm Macpherson to ADMI, and it is fitting to acknowledge his contribution in this report also. Mr Macpherson’s contribution has ensured that solid foundations were laid for the organisation to build upon since then.


The attached accountability report touches on the support provided by the Vincent Community Board for the 2022/23 financial year.  In the 2022/23 financial year the Board provided a grant amount of $82,000 along with a one-off payment of $26,667 to align the organisation’s funding to the Board’s annual grants round (1 November 2023).  Formal reporting for the 2022/23 financial year will occur next year.


Finally, ADMI have included a strategic plan for the 2023/2024 year in their supporting documentation.  This plan indicates funding requirements of $142,000 in year one, with additional levels of expenditure in years two and three.  Decisions about the Vincent Community Board’s financial contribution to ADMI will be made as part of the first round of grant applications in September of this year.  These decisions will be made in the context of the Board’s fixed contestable grants budget. The Board may wish to explore what other funding sources ADMI are seeking to meet their funding targets.





3.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - ADMI Accountability Report

Appendix 2 - ADMI Accountability Report Supporting Documentation  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:



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Rebecca Williams

Louise van der Voort

Community Development Advisor

Acting Chief Executive Officer





Vincent Community Board meeting

2 May 2023


Vincent Community Board meeting

2 May 2023


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2 May 2023


23.3.4         Half Mile Recreation Reserve Redevelopment

Doc ID:      650334


1.       Purpose of Report


To approve the redevelopment plan for the Half Mile recreation Reserve.



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Approves the redevelopment plan option B for the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.

C.      That options for funding the redevelopment of the Half Mile Recreation Reserve are included in the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.

D.      Directs the interim CEO to continue to investigate third party funding opportunities for the development of the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.



2.       Background


Redevelopment Plan Survey.


At its March 2022 meeting the Vincent Community Board (the Board) resolved the following.


That the item be left on the table until a development plan for the area has been consulted on and brought back to the Board for its consideration.


Moved:       McPherson

Seconded: Stirling-Lindsay


A development plan was subsequently prepared which proposed a natural central Otago landscape that would highlight the natural rock formations found within the reserve and include areas of native plantings, with provision for shelter plantings along the western boundary. The plan also highlighted heritage features identified within the site.


The survey was carried out during June 2022. The concept plan and background information provided for the survey is shown in Appendix 1.


The overall summary of the survey responses indicated that the majority of responses received from the wider community support the removal of the trees and that proposed redevelopment will enhance the Half Mile reserve.


Of the respondents who identified as being residents of the Bridge Hill area, the results were more evenly split.


          Half Mile Recreation Reserve Wilding Conifer Removal.


At its 21 March 2023 meeting the Board resolved the following.


That the Vincent Community Board

          A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

          B.      Notes the Councils decision that the staged removal of wilding conifers from within individual identified sites is not permitted on Council owned or managed land.

          C.      Notes that this includes the removal of trees from the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.


          After discussion the items from 23.1.2 (from January 2023 meeting) were lifted off the table and considered.  It was agreed that the redevelopment of the Half Mile Reserve should take place following a landscape plan being presented to the board for its consideration.


          D.      Authorises the redevelopment of the Half Mile Reserve, subject to the approval of a landscape plan by the Community Board.

          E.      Directs the CEO to investigate funding opportunities for the development of the Half Mile Recreation Reserve with options reported back to the Vincent Community Boards May 2023 meeting.



3.       Discussion



Following the community survey on the redevelopment of the Half Mile Reserve, a revised redevelopment plan has been prepared and can be found in Appendix 2.


The redevelopment plan has two options for replanting, both based on the natural central Otago landscape redevelopment concept plan that was consulted on in 2022.


The native grey shrubland plantings proposed for in and around the rock tors are in keeping with what was existing on this site originally and are plants known to grow in the local environment. Over time it is envisaged that these planting will slowly spread within the site to increase native biodiversity and native habitat. There are some restrictions to planting close to the rock tors within the site to ensure Council complies with its approved Lizard Management Plan.


Both plans show shelter being planted along the boundary of the neighbouring residents with groups of native grey shrubland, and shade plantings throughout the site. These types of native plants would have once been found naturally within the site. Over time it is envisaged these plantings will increase the biodiversity within the reserve.


Option A allows for shelter plantings along the western boundary consisting entirely of natives, being Kanuka, Manuka, Pittosporum, and native Beech. With irrigation it is anticipated that these plants will be between 2 and 5 metres in height after 8 – 10 years. The planting will be tiered, with Kanuka, Manuka and Pittosporum providing shelter from ground level to mid height with the Beech providing taller shelter.


Option B shows the same native plantings as option A, but the planting has been moved approximately 5 m off the boundary line to enable a row of Lombardy Poplar trees to be planted to provide more rapid growth and therefore quicker shelter. After year 8 – 10 it is envisaged that this initial shelter will be removed. This would leave the semi mature native shelter to mature and provide the shelter going forward.


Several areas have been set aside for various community plantings. Council often receives requests from those who have been granted New Zealand citizenship and receive a plant if Council has an area where they can plant their plant as many recipients don’t have room or are renting. A similar area has been proposed for planting of Trees for Babies and general community planting.


There are some native plants already growing within the site and some non-spreading exotic trees that the logging contractor will try and preserve during the logging operation. 


Both options have been socialised with affected neighbours and their preference will be provided to the Board at its meeting.


There are several archaeological sites within the reserve which are highlighted as sites of interest within the redevelopment plan.


No formal parking areas have been shown in the redevelopment plan as formal access from the State Highway would require consultation with Waka Kotahi.


Further development could be considered on Aronui Road entrance, where there is an existing informal entrance.


The reserve has no water connection but following discussions with neighbouring residents there is an option that water may be made available from the Old Golf Course Road town water supply, with access through a neighbouring property being permitted.


Options for using town water supply are being worked through with Councils infrastructure team. This includes the installation of a header tank from which a network of irrigation will be connected. There is town water supply within close proximity of the reserve which would allow a connection to the header tank. A provisional sum for irrigation has been included in the cost estimate for planting.


The irrigation would be used for the establishment of the plantings and then would be disestablished.


It is anticipated that the removal of the wildings on the reserve will be completed by the end of June 2023. Weed control and any additional site tidy up will be undertaken during the summer months with planting anticipated Winter/ Spring 2024.



4.       Financial Considerations



The redevelopment plan including irrigation has been estimated to cost.

-     Option A - $170,000 to implement.

-     Option B - $180,000 to implement. excludes additional cost to remove these trees in 8 – 10 years’ time.


This cost estimates have been derived from comparable similar projects undertaken in recent times.


The redevelopment cost may be less if community and volunteer groups can be involved in aspects of the redevelopment.


Local community input and buy-in from the Alexandra and wider Central Otago community has the potential to make this reserve redevelopment a success and is something Council will be actively working towards over the next year.


Funding for the implementation of redevelopment plan needs to be decided and it is suggested funding is allocated through the 2024/34 Long-Term Plan.


Alternative funding options for the project are as follows.


Options for funding include.

·    General Reserves Alexandra - which had a balance on 30 June 2022 of $1,464,765.

This fund would be the most appropriate fund to use for this project.


·    In addition, the Alexandra Reserves Contribution Fund was considered- which had a balance on 30 June 2022 of $680,548 however $333,000 of this Fund is already committed for the Omakau Community Hub project. Leaving a balance of $347,580. This fund is generated by reserves contributions levied on subdivisions and is typically used to enhance or create new assets that have been impacted by growth.


Other projects under consideration - the Board is currently consulting on IceinLine Central Incorporated request for a $400,000 grant towards the construction of a roof over the existing ice rink at Molyneux Park.


·    There are several other possible funding sources for projects like this, including the Otago Regional Councils - Eco Fund. Not all are available for Council to apply for directly but are available for community groups and trusts to access.



Investigations have been undertaken to determine what funding sources may be available for this project. There are not a lot of funding options available for such a project. Options identified include.


-     Central Lakes Trust.

-     Otago Community Trust.

-     Lotteries Environmental and Heritage Fund. 

-     ORC environment fund - Because of the criteria of this fund Council couldn’t apply directly but could support a community group to do some of the native planting component by providing funding for the plants.

-     Local Businesses.

-     Volunteer groups.


 Applying for funding through any of the above channels have a varied timeframe.


Future maintenance requirement for the Half Mile Recreation reserve will be included in the next Long-Term Plan for consideration.



5.       Options


Option 1 – (Recommended)


That the Vincent Community Board approve the redevelopment plan, Option B for the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.




·        The Half Mile Recreation Reserve is redeveloped, and the indigenous biodiversity of the site is improved over time.

·        Community groups can participate in the redevelopment of the reserve.

·        Shelter to neighbouring residents is achieved at a quicker rate that option A.





·        Additional costs to remove the exotic shelter on future years.

·        Roots of the exotic shelter may slow growth of native shelter plantings as they seek additional sources of moisture.


Option 2


That the Vincent Community Board approved the redevelopment plan Option A for the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.




·        The Half Mile Recreation Reserve is redeveloped, and the indigenous biodiversity of the site is improved over time.

·        Community groups can participate in the redevelopment of the reserve.

·        Plantings at the reserve would consist of entirely native plants.





·        Potentially slower shelter development for neighbours.





6.       Compliance


Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities by ensuring Council policy is followed and reserves are redeveloped to enhance the areas biodiversity.




Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.


Wilding Conifer Control Policy

Long Term Plan 2021/31


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts


Wilding pines are classified as a weed which through their uncontrolled spread impact on biodiversity, landscapes and with wider environment.


Risks Analysis


Unable to secure adequate water to the new planting sites.


Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)



Community has been engaged with this project.




7.       Next Steps


Inform the public and neighbours of the Boards decision.

Prepare budget information for Long Term Plan

Determine third party funding options that are available.



8.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - Half Mile Reserve final document.pdf

Appendix 2 - BM211004_Half_Mile_Reserve_DevDesign_RevD_20230426.pdf  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:




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Gordon Bailey

David Scoones

Parks and Recreation Manager

Group Manager - Community Experience





Vincent Community Board meeting

2 May 2023



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A picture containing diagram

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Vincent Community Board meeting

2 May 2023


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2 May 2023

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6                 Mayor’s Report

23.3.5         Mayor's Report

Doc ID:      626213


1.       Purpose


To consider an update from His Worship the Mayor.



That the Vincent Community Board receives the report.



His Worship the Mayor will give a verbal update on activities and issues of interest since the last meeting.




2.       Attachments





2 May 2023

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7                 Chair's Report

23.3.6         Chair's Report

Doc ID:      626216


1.       Purpose


The Chair will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.



That the report be received.



2.       Attachments




2 May 2023

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8                 Members' Reports

23.3.7         Members' Reports

Doc ID:      626215


1.       Purpose


Members will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.



That the report be received.



2.       Attachments




2 May 2023

Logo, company name

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9                 Status Reports

23.3.8         May 2023 Governance Report

Doc ID:      626218


1.       Purpose


To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.



That the report be received.



2.       Discussion


Status Reports

The status reports have been updated with any actions since the previous meeting (see appendix 1).




3.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - 20230502 VCB Status Updates.docx  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:


Text, whiteboard

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Description automatically generated with low confidence

Wayne McEnteer

Saskia Righarts

Governance Manager

Group Manager - Business Support





Vincent Community Board meeting

2 May 2023



Vincent Community Board Agenda

2 May 2023


10               Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 19 May 2023.

Vincent Community Board Agenda

2 May 2023


11               Resolution to Exclude the Public


That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

23.3.9 - May 2023 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




[1] Badlands declined to uplift their grant.

[2] Resolution 21.7.2 committed $10,000 to Winterstellar in 2022/23, $1,000 to the CODAT in 2022/23 for the Cover to Cover event and $24,500 for the 2022 Alexandra Blossom Festival.  Resolution 22.3.3 allocated $3,000 to the Central Otago A&P Association. Resolution 22.6.2 committed $8,000 to the Prospector MTB Race, $5,000 to Waiata Theatre Production.

[3] This grant application is being presented to both Cromwell and Vincent Boards for consideration.