Vincent Community Board Meeting

Tuesday, 6 September 2022



Tuesday, 6 September 2022


2.00 pm


Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra


(Unless there is a move from the current Red Alert level, in which case it may be held in


In both cases, due to COVID-19 restrictions and limitations of the physical space, public access will be available through a live stream of the meeting.


The link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council's website.)


Sanchia Jacobs

Chief Executive Officer


Vincent Community Board Agenda

6 September 2022


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Vincent Community Board will be held in Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 at 2.00 pm. The link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council’s website.

Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 5

2          Public Forum.. 5

3          Confirmation of Minutes. 5

Vincent Community Board meeting Meeting - 26 July 2022. 7

4          Declaration of Interest 13

22.6.1            Declarations of Interest Register 13

5          Reports. 16

22.6.2            2022/23 Community and Promotions Grants Applications. 16

22.6.3            Alexandra River Park. 21

22.6.4            Proposed Road Stopping - Part Omeo Gully Road. 41

22.6.5            Vincent Interim Financial Report for the Period Ending 30 June 2022. 49

6          Mayor’s Report 54

22.6.6            Mayor's Report 54

7          Chair's Report 55

22.6.7            Chair's Report 55

8          Members' Reports. 56

22.6.8            Members' Reports. 56

9          Status Reports. 57

22.6.9            September 2022 Governance Report 57

10       Date of the Next Meeting. 94

11       Resolution to Exclude the Public. 95

22.6.10         September 2022 Confidential Governance Report 95



Members           Cr M McPherson (Chairperson), Dr R Browne, Cr L Claridge, Cr I Cooney, Ms A Robinson, Ms S Stirling-Lindsay

In Attendance  T Cadogan (Mayor), S Jacobs (Chief Executive Officer), L van der Voort (Executive Manager - Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), J Harris (Governance Support Officer)


1                 Apologies

2                 Public Forum

3                 Confirmation of Minutes

Vincent Community Board meeting - 26 July 2022

Vincent Community Board Agenda

6 September 2022


MINUTES OF A mEETING OF THE Vincent Community Board
Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra and live streamed via microsoft teams
Tuesday, 26 July 2022 COMMENCING AT 2.01 pm


PRESENT:              Cr M McPherson (Chairperson), Dr R Browne, Cr L Claridge, Ms A Robinson, Ms S Stirling-Lindsay

IN ATTENDANCE: T Cadogan (Mayor), S Jacobs (Chief Executive Officer) (via Microsoft Teams), L Macdonald (Executive Manager - Corporate Services),  L van der Voort (Executive Manager - Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), Q Penniall (Infrastructure Manager), N Aaron (Parks Officer – Planning and Strategy), L Stronach (Team Leader – Statutory Property), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), J Harris (Governance Support Officer).


1                 Apologies


Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Claridge

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the apology received from Cr Cooney be accepted.



2                 Public Forum

Ken Churchill – Survey Regarding Pines at Half Mile

Mr Churchill spoke regarding the survey that had been conducted about the Pines at the Half Mile. He expressed his concern about the survey and that it had not addressed all of the issues to do with the reserve. He then responded to questions.


3                 Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Robinson

Seconded:          Browne

That the public minutes of the Vincent Community Board Meeting held on 13 June 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



4                 Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.

5                 Reports

22.5.2         Police Update

Senior Sergeant Clinton Wright provided an update to members on current policing issues in the district before responding to questions.


22.5.3         Election of a Deputy Chair

To consider the election of a deputy chair.

After discussion it was agreed that with one meeting left in the triennium there was no need to elect a new deputy chair.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Stirling-Lindsay

Seconded:          Robinson

That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Declines to elect a deputy chair.



22.5.4         Notice of Intention to Prepare a Reserve Management Plan -  Omakau Recreation Reserve

To request that the Board resolves to notify a Draft Reserve Management Plan for the Omakau Recreation Reserve.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Browne

That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Agrees in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 to prepare and notify for submission a Draft Reserve Management Plan for the Omakau Recreation Reserve



22.5.5         Proposal to grant a Lease over part of Section 1 Survey Office Plan 496959, being Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve.

To consider granting a lease over part of Section 1 Survey Office Plan 496959, to the Central Otago District Council, to allow for the construction of a temporary soakage basin.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Stirling-Lindsay

Seconded:          Claridge

That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Agrees to grant a lease over approximately 250 square metres of Section 1 SO 496959, being Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve, to the Central Otago District Council, to allow for the construction of and operation of a soakage basin, on the following terms and conditions:


·    Commencement:                                   01 August 2022

·    Term:                                                      Five Years

·    Rights of Renewal:                                 Nil

·    Rent:                                                       Nil

·    Expiry:                                                    31 July 2027

·    Right to Assign:                                      Yes


          Subject to:


-     Council constructing the soakage basin and bund.

-     Council erecting security fencing around the bund (and the soakage basin).

-     The new Southern Water Entity being responsible for funding and rerouting the overflow pipe (to connect to the stormwater network), and;

-     The new Southern Water Entity being responsible for reinstating to the land to satisfaction of the Parks and Reserve Manager on expiry, surrender, or cancellation of the lease.


C.      Authorises the Chief Executive to all that is necessary to give effect to the resolution.



22.5.6         Half Mile Recreation Reserve Development Plan Survey Results

To provide a high-level summary of the results of the survey undertaken on the Half Mile Recreation Reserve.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the report be received.



1        Themes from Half Mile survey

5                 Mayor’s Report

22.5.7         Mayor's Report

The Mayor provided an update of his recent activities, in particular his attendance at the Local Government New Zealand Conference. He then responded to questions.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Browne



6                 Chair's Report

22.5.8         Chair's Report

The Chair provided an update on activities and issues since the last meeting:

·    Attended the Council meeting in July and noted the topics discussed there.

·    Noted the recent deaths of Dr Enny Manning and Mary Belt.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Browne

That the report be received.



7                 Members' Reports

22.5.9         Members' Reports

Members provided an update on activities and issues since the last meeting:

Dr Browne reported on the following:

·    Attended the Shaky Bridge planting.

·    Attended the Winterstellar exhibition.

·    Attended the  opening of the new foyer/meeting room for Central Cinema.

·    Inspected recent tree felling work along the river track from Alexandra to the Fraser River.

·    Attended a meeting regarding the  Lower Manorburn reserve.

·    Attended the Candidates meeting in Alexandra.

·    Attended the Central Otago Heritage Trust AGM meeting in Clyde.

Ms Robinson reported on the following:

·    Attended the Winterstellar exhibition.

·    Attended a meeting of the Vallance Cottage Working Group and noted upcoming open days.

·    Attended Lake Dunstan Charitable Trust for the unveiling of the Bridge to Bridge project.

·    Attended Wai Wanaka workshop event for people working in environmental/conservation to share ideas and network.

Ms Stirling-Lindsay reported on the following:

·    Attended a meeting to discuss affordable housing options in the community for disabled people. 

·    Attended a meeting in Dunedin to discuss DHB changes and loss of mental health beds.

·    Noted that preparation for the Blossom Festival was underway. 

Councillor Claridge reported on the following:

·    Attended the Council meeting on Teams.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the report be received.



8                 Status Reports

22.5.10       July 2022 Governance Report

To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Browne

That the report be received.



1        Letter of apology missing from the other code of conduct papers


9                 Date of The Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 6 September 2022.

10               Resolution to Exclude the Public

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

Confidential Minutes of Ordinary Board Meeting

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

22.5.11 - July 2022 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




The public were excluded at 3.08 pm and the meeting closed at 3.13 pm.





6 September 2022


4                 Declaration of Interest

22.6.1         Declarations of Interest Register

Doc ID:      590423


1.       Purpose


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



2.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - Declarations of Interest  


Vincent Community Board meeting

6 September 2022



6 September 2022


5                 Reports

22.6.2         2022/23 Community and Promotions Grants Applications

Doc ID:      589892


1.       Purpose of Report


To consider the first round of the community and promotions grant applications for the 2022/23 financial year.



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Decides the grants to be allocated to the applicants of the community and promotions grants.


2.       Background


The Central Otago District Council contributes to the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the local community through the contestable grants process. 


The objectives of the grants process are:


·    Enhance well-being in the district (social, economic, environmental and cultural)

·    Empower local communities

·    Facilitate the delivery of community outcomes

·    Promote our regional identity: Central Otago A World of Difference.


There are two types of grants that can be applied for, community grants and promotions grants.  Each are funded using different targeted rates, which means that one pool cannot subsidise the other.  Each application must be considered on its own merit and fit with the relevant grant criteria and available budget. 


The Board considers grant applications in two rounds annually.  Applications for the first round closed at the end of July 2022 for a decision at this meeting.   Any funds remaining will be made available for a second round, with applications closing on the 17th of March 2023 for a decision in May 2023.


The Vincent Community Board is delegated the authority to consider applications for activities and projects within its boundaries. 


Annually, there is $120,000 to distribute in the Vincent community grants scheme and $41,750 to distribute in the promotions grants scheme.  The following table illustrates the commitments already made and the amounts left to distribute.


Type of grant


Community Grants Budget


Plus returned grants


Less committed from previous rounds


Balance left to distribute




Type of grant


Promotions Grants Budget


Plus grant no longer required


Plus uncommitted funds from the 21/22 financial year


Less committed from previous rounds


Balance left to distribute




3.       Discussion


Community Grants


Five community grant applications have been received in the current round requesting a total of $30,487 dollars.  There is a total of $38,000 for community grants to distribute for both this initial round and the scheduled second round of funding in the first half of 2023. 


The details of this round’s applications are provided in the table below:



Name of Organisation

Name of project / service

Purpose of funding

When does the project start

Total costs

Amount requested


Alexandra and Districts Youth Trust

Rent for Alexandra Youth Hub

Annual Rental Costs





Alexandra Toy Library

Alexandra Toy Library building maintenance and upkeep

New toilet and upgrade of the carpet





Earnscleugh Community Society Inc

Maintaining and restoring the community hall

Annual insurance and fire compliance costs





Blacks Hill Cricket Club

Cricket wicket, net upgrade andmaintenance

Resurfacing of wicket and nets





Lower Manorburn Reserve Working Group

Native Revegetation Project

Planting and ecologist services





Copies of the application, supporting documentation and staff assessment are provided to Board members under separate cover.


Promotion Grants


Two promotions grant applications have been received in the current round requesting a total of $17,000.  There is $18,196 to distribute for this round and the second round in the first half of 2023.  The details are provided in the table below:



Name of Organisation

Name of project / service

Purpose of funding

When does the project start

Total costs

Amount requested


The Prospector Race Ltd

Prospector MTB Race 2023

Event Marketing





Waiata Theatre Productions Ltd

Les Miserables (the Musical)

Performance Rights





Copies of the applications, supporting documentation and staff assessments are provided to Board members under separate cover.



4.       Financial Considerations


As detailed above, the Board has $38,000 to distribute for the 2022/23 Community Grants round and $18,196 for the 2022/23 Promotions Grants.  It should be noted the promotions grants figure includes $14,946 of uncommitted funds from the 21/22 financial year, which is subject to approval of the 2022-23 Annual Plan budget as a separate report to this meeting. Should the $14,946 of uncommitted funds not be approved in the 2022-23 budget, the figure the Board has available to distribute would be a maximum of $3,250.


Should the Board support the applications as requested in full, then this would leave $7,513 for the second round of the community grants and $1,196 for the second round of the promotions grants.


The Board has the delegated authority to spend within this budget.  Any recommendations above these amounts would fall outside of that delegation and would need to be by way of a recommendation to Council.



5.       Options


The Board is asked to consider each application and determine the appropriate level of funding.  There are no other options as the Board has the delegation to allocate grants from the contestable funds.



6.       Compliance


Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of communities, in the present and for the future by providing a contestable funding pool that enables projects to be delivered in the community that enhance wellbeing.


Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.

Yes, this decision is consistent with the Grants Policy, and other plans and policies that may be impacted by any of the individual grant applications.


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts

There is no direct impact, some applications may have a positive environmental impact from time to time.


Risks Analysis

No risks have been identified in the funding applications. 


Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)

The funding rounds were advertised in the local newspaper, Council’s website and Facebook page, and through combined agency community funding clinics.  Discussions with departments of Council have taken place where there impacts arising from the application.




7.       Next Steps


Once the Board has made a decision on the level of funding for each organisation, this will be communicated to each applicant and payments made.



8.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - Alexandra and District Youth Trust Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 2 - Alexandra and District Youth Trust Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 3 - Alexandra and District Youth Trust Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 4 - Alexandra Toy Library Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 5 - Alexandra Toy Library Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 6 - Alexandra Toy Library Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 7 - Earnscleugh Community Society Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 8 - Earnscleugh Community Society Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 9 - Earnscleugh Community Society Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 10 -    Blacks Hill Cricket Club Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 11 -    Blacks Hill Cricket Club Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 12 -    Blacks Hill Cricket Club Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 13 -    Lower Manorburn Reserve Working Group Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 14 -    Lower Manorburn Reserve Working Group Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 15 -    Lower Manorburn Reserve Working Group Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)

Appendix 16 -    The Prospector MTB Race 2023 Grant Assessement (under separate cover)

Appendix 17 -    The Prospector MTB Race 2023 Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 18 -    The Prospector MTB Race 2023 Supporting Documents (under separate cover)

Appendix 19 -    Waiata Theatre Productions Grant Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 20 -    Waiata Theatre Productions Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 21 -    Waiata Theatre Productions Supporting Documents (under separate cover)  


Report authors:



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Alison Mason


Media and Marketing Manager



Reviewed and authorised by:


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Text, letter

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Rebecca Williams

Sanchia Jacobs

Community Development Advisor

Chief Executive Officer





6 September 2022


22.6.3         Alexandra River Park

Doc ID:      590938


1.       Purpose of Report


To approve the development of the Alexandra River Park and authorise that the draft concept plan for the Alexandra River Park proceed to detailed design.



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Agrees to develop the Alexandra River Park.

C.      Approves the concept design for the Alexandra River Park, and agrees to proceed with detailed design.

D.      Notes that the final detailed design will be presented to the Vincent Community Board for approval.

E.      Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to do all that is necessary to give effect to the resolution.



2.       Background


In 2017 the Alexandra Riverside Park Trust (the Trust) was formed to develop its vision to rejuvenate lower Tarbert Street in Alexandra by creating a new public space at the junction of the Mata-au/Clutha River and Manuherekia River.

The vision for this area is to integrate the two rivers and adjacent riverside with the pedestrian heart of Alexandra. This would become a space for family-friendly recreation and community events, as well as being a destination for cyclists and walkers using the network of local trails. This improved and revitalised space will be the building block from which businesses and activities in this area can grow.


In 2017 the Trust approached the Vincent Community Board (the Board) to fund a business case assessment for the project. A report on the business case assessment was presented to the Board at its March 2019 meeting. That community board resolved the following.


19.2.9    Miners Village Feasibility Study Report Back (PRJ 04-2017-04)

A report from the Economic Development Manager to present the Business Case Assessment for the Alexandra Miners’ Village & Riverside Park that was completed in September 2018 had been circulated.

A.   RESOLVED that the report be received and the level of significance accepted.

Fitzgerald / Garbutt

B.   RESOLVED that the Vincent Community Board receive the Business Case Assessment for the Alexandra Miners’ Village & Riverside Park.

Fitzgerald / Garbutt

C.  NOTED the September 2017 resolution that the Vincent Community Board agree in-principle that the Vincent Community Board will take responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of the green areas and public ablution facilities of the proposed village and park should the project proceed.

Fitzgerald / Garbutt

D.  RESOLVED that the Vincent Community Board agree Council staff investigate the possibility of Council leasing the land and subsequent sub-leasing to the Alexandra Miners’ Village & Riverside Park Trust, should the project proceed.

Fitzgerald / Garbutt


In 2019/20 Council undertook an investigation into the land ownership of the site. The investigation highlighted that the land is subject to several encumbrances and easements in favour of Contact Energy. These could potentially complicate any future developments on some of the land. Council obtained legal advice on the potential effect these encumbrances could have for the project. The advice received resulted in the project being refined to using the lower part of the proposed site and developing a cycle hub and community events space on the lower end of Tarbert Street.

The Trust approached Council to consider assisting it with providing funding for the project. Through the 2021 – 2031 Long term plan Council consulted on the Trust’s vision to enhance lower Tarbert street and allocated $650,000 to plan and construct the project.

In late 2021 Council and the Trust signed a Memorandum of Understanding that details how both parties will work together on this project.

In late 2021 a draft concept plan was developed for the site along with early engagement with Aukaha who have a significant cultural interest in this site, being the meeting point of both the Clutha Mata-au and Manuherekia rivers. Aukaha is working closely with Council on this project.



3.       Discussion


Two draft concept plan options were initially developed for the site, the difference between them being that one option saw the link road between Tarbert and Rivers Street being closed to through traffic.


Advice from a traffic engineer determined that if this through road was to be closed then large trucks would need to turn around within the Warehouse car park area to exit back up Tarbert Street. This would require a number of car parks to be removed. This loss of car parks would reduce the number of car parks available, creating a breach of the resource consent conditions held by The Warehouse for the site. This option was not progressed further.


Resource consents are being progressed with both the Otago Regional Council and Central Otago District Council for the development. If resource consents are not granted, then it is unlikely the project will be able to proceed.


A procurement plan is being developed for the procurement of the detailed design and construction drawings once the resource consents have been granted.


The preferred concept option, which sees no change to the existing roading layout, was socialised through Council’s communications outlets from late July until mid-August, seeking public feedback by way of a survey.


The aim of the survey was to create an awareness within the community of this project and give people the opportunity to comment on the proposed concept plan.


Eighty-six responses were received. The feedback received was very positive with only two respondents strongly disagreeing that the project would reinvigorate the area. No reasons were provided for why the respondents disagreed.


A number of improvement suggestions to the concept design were provided, and these will be considered further during the detailed design phase.


Appendix 1 contains the community engagement document which includes the preferred concept plan.


Appendix 2 outlines the results for the questions asked in the survey and community suggestions received.


The final design for the site will be brought back to the Board for its consideration and approval. Following Board approval, the preparation of contract documents and a construction contract for the project will be developed.



4.       Financial Considerations


Council has allocated $650,000 in the 2021 – 2031 Long term plan for this project which will be fully loan funded.


Council has received a Tourism Infrastructure Fund grant of $325,000 for the development of a toilet and other tourism related infrastructure as part of the project. This grant is subject to obtaining all necessary consents for the project. It is intended that this external funding will enable Council to reduce the amount of loan money drawn down for this project.


 It is anticipated the Trust will also seek additional funding from community funding organisations to supplement Council’s contribution.



5.       Options


Option 1 – (Recommended)


To approve the development of the Alexandra River Park and authorise the draft concept plans for the Alexandra River Park proceed to detailed design.




·        This will enable the project to proceed as anticipated in the 2021-2031 Long term plan.

·        The space will be enhanced to become a community hub for Alexandra.

·        Aukaha have indicated they support the project.

·        The community have indicated they are supportive of the project.




·        No disadvantages have been identified.


Option 2


Agrees not to proceed with the development of the Alexandra River Park.




·        Council will not be required to draw down a loan.




·        Council will forfeit $325,000 of Tourism Infrastructure Fund grant for the project.

·        This part of Alexandra will remain unchanged and not enhanced.



6.       Compliance


Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the (social/cultural/economic/environmental)  wellbeing of communities, in the present and for the future by enhancing the lower end of Tarbert Street which will rejuvenate this underutilised community space.



Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.

This project was highlighted in the 2021 – 2031 Long term plan as a key project for Alexandra.


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts

The design of this space will be undertaken to ensure climate change impacts are considered.


Risks Analysis

There is a small risk that resource consent for this project will not be granted.


Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)

The 2021 – 2301 Long term plan highlighted the Alexandra River Park as a key Council project. There was strong community support for the Riverside Park project. Themes that came through in the comments were that it would revitalise the area and there was a lot of potential for how it could be developed in the future once the canvas is set.


Council has engaged with the community on the concept plan. Feedback has been received which will be considered through the detailed design process.


Immediately affected businesses and neighbours have been approached by the Trust who have received no negative responses.




7.       Next Steps


August- Vincent Community Board – approve Alexandra River Park Project of concept plan.

August to October – Resource consents obtained.

August to October – Procurement of detailed design services.

October – December detailed design developed.

December - Vincent Community Board approve detailed design.

December - Tourism Infrastructure Fund grant of $325,000 is uplifted.

February 2023 - Construction contracts developed.

March 2023 – Construction contract advertised.




8.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - Alexandra River Park Engagement Document.

Appendix 2 - Alexandra River Park Survey Question Results.  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:





Gordon Bailey

Louise van der Voort

Parks and Recreation Manager

Executive Manager - Planning and Environment





Vincent Community Board meeting

6 September 2022



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Vincent Community Board meeting

6 September 2022



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6 September 2022

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22.6.4         Proposed Road Stopping - Part Omeo Gully Road

Doc ID:      586442


          Purpose of Report


To consider stopping part of Omeo Gully Road, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Act 1981, then disposing of the land to the adjoining owner.



That the Vincent Community Board


A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.


B.      To recommend to Council to approve the proposal to stop an unformed portion of Omeo Gully Road, being approximately 9,113 square metres, as shown in figure 3, subject to:


-     The applicants paying all costs, including the purchase of the land at valuation.

-     The land being amalgamated with Record of Title 813963.

-     An easement (in gross) in favour of (and as approved by) Earnscleugh Irrigation Company Limited being registered on the new Record of Title.

-     The final survey plan being approved by the Chief Executive Officer.


C.      Authorises the Chief Executive to do all that is necessary to give effect to the resolution.





Omeo Gully Road runs off the western end of Blackman Road (the road). The road, which is unformed, has an overall length of approximately 7,165 metres.


The first 250 metres of the road has a width of approximately 60 metres. The remainder of the road has a width of approximately 20 metres.


An overview of the road is shown below in figure 1.



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Figure 1 – Overview of Omeo Gully Road


Bart and Jo Thomson (the applicants) own the property at 17 Fraser Dam Road. Their property is described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan (DP) 518953 (Lot 1).


The eastern boundary of Lot 1 adjoins the 60 metre wide stretch of the road. A plan of the applicant’s property, and the 60 metre wide stretch of the road is shown below in figure 2.


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Figure 2 – 17 Fraser Dam, Road (Lot 1 DP 518953)


The applicants have now applied to stop approximately 9,113 square metres of the 60 metre wide stretch of road as shown below in figure 3.


A high angle view of a road

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Figure 3 – Section of road the applicants are proposing to stop





Roading Network

The start of the legal road adjacent to the applicant’s property is approximately 60 metres wide.  As the proposed stopping leaves a 20 metre wide carriage way, the proposal will have no effect on the existing roading network as shown below in figure 4.




Figure 4 – Overview of the Legal Road adjacent to the applicant’s property.


Utility Networks

Aurora Energy Limited (Aurora) have confirmed there are no Aurora assets on this portion of the road and have no objections to the road stopping.  


Earnscleugh Irrigation Company

Earnscleugh Irrigation Company have a water race running through the applicant’s property.  The race runs through the section of the road which the applicants propose to stop.


Earnscleugh Irrigation Company have confirmed they support the proposed stopping on the following basis;


(1)  It is a partial width stopping only and access via Omeo Gully Road remains.

(2)  An easement is granted to the Earnscleugh Irrigation company to protect the    infrastructure which is currently contained in the road reserve as shown in figure 5 below.

(3)  The irrigation race is not required to be moved.


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Figure 5 – Overview of Current Easement and Proposed Easement


Legislation and Policy

Council’s Roading Policy determines the appropriate statutory procedure for stopping a legal road or any part thereof. The policy for selecting the correct statutory process is outlined in section 8.5 of Council’s Roading Policy. The options are as follow:


The Local Government Act 1974 road stopping procedure shall be adopted if one or more of the following circumstances shall apply:


a)   Where the full width of road is proposed to be stopped and public access will be removed as a result of the road being stopped; or

b)   The road stopping could injuriously affect or have a negative or adverse impact on any other property; or

c)    The road stopping has, in the judgment of the Council, the potential to be controversial; or

d)   If there is any doubt or uncertainty as to which procedure should be used to stop the road.


The Local Government Act process requires public notification of the proposal. This involves erecting signs at each end of the road to be stopped, sending letters to adjoining owners/occupiers and at least two public notices a week apart in the local newspaper. Members of the public have 40 days in which to object.


The Public Works Act 1981 road stopping procedure may be adopted when the following

circumstances apply:


e)    Where the proposal is that a part of the road width be stopped and a width of road which provides public access will remain.

f)     Where no other person, including the public generally, are considered by the Council in its judgment to be adversely affected by the proposed road stopping;

g)    Where other reasonable access will be provided to replace the access previously provided by the stopped road (i.e. by the construction of a new road).


It is proposed that Public Works Act 1981 procedure be adopted for this application for the following reasons:


·   The proposal is to stop part of the road width only.

·   Public access will not be adversely affected.


The Public Works Act 1981 provides for legal road to be stopped, sold, and amalgamated with an adjacent title. In this instance the stopped road would be amalgamated with Record of Title 813963.



          Financial Considerations


Council’s Roading Policy determines that the applicant is responsible for all costs associated with the road stopping. This includes purchase of the land at valuation as prescribed in the Public Works Act 1981.


The income received will be credited to the non-subsidised Roading Administration account. It will then be used to address other public roading issues.





Option 1 – (Recommended)


To recommend to Council to approve the proposal to stop an unformed portion of Omeo Gully Road, being approximately 9,113 square metres, as shown in figure 3, subject to:


-     The applicants paying all costs, including the purchase of the land at valuation.

-     The land being amalgamated with Record of Title 813963.

-     An easement (in gross) in favour of (and as approved by) Earnscleugh Irrigation Company Limited being registered on the new Record of Title.

-     The final survey plan being approved by the Chief Executive Officer.







·        Provision has been made to protect the existing infrastructure owned by Earnscleugh Irrigation Company.

·        Public access will not be affected as a 20 metre wide carriageway will be retained.

·        Income received will be used to address other public roading issues.

·        Recognises the provisions of Council’s Roading Policy.

·        Recognises with the Public Works Act 1981.




·        None


Option 2


To not recommend to Council to approve the proposal to stop an unformed portion of Omeo Gully Road.




•        None




·        Additional income will not be made available to address other public roading issues.

·        Does not recognise the provisions of Council’s Roading Policy.

·        Does not recognise that the proposal is consistent with the Public Works Act 1981.





Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the economic wellbeing of the community by generating income from the disposal of land that is held (but not required) for roading purposes which has limited other use.


Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.

The recommended option is consistent with;


a)   The Public Works Act 1981

The Council’s Roading Policy


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts

No sustainability, environmental or climate change impacts are related to the decision to stop the portion of unformed road.


Risks Analysis

No risks to Council are associated with the recommended option.


Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)

The Significance and Engagement Policy has been considered, with none of the criteria being met or exceeded.

Notice of the completed road stopping will be published in the New Zealand Gazette.



          Next Steps


1.   Community Board approval                                                               06 September 2022

2.   Council approval                                                                                28 September 2022

3.   Survey and LINZ Accredited Supplier engaged                                October 2022

4.   Survey Plan approved                                                                       Late 2022

5.   Gazette notice published                                                                    Early 2023








Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:





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Stephanie McArthur

Quinton Penniall

Team Leader – Statutory Property

Acting Executive Manager – Infrastructure Services






6 September 2022

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22.6.5         Vincent Interim Financial Report for the Period Ending 30 June 2022

Doc ID:      589372


1.       Purpose


To consider the financial performance overview as at 30 June 2022.



That the report be received.



2.       Background


These statements are designed to give an overview on the end of financial year performance. It is important to note that as the Annual Report 30 June 2022 is compiled that the figures below may change as required.


The operating statement for the twelve months ending 30 June 2022 shows an unfavourable variance of ($2.931M) against the revised budget.



AS AT 30 JUNE 2022



Full Year






Full Year

Annual Plan



Revised Budget



Revised Budget
















User fees & Other







External Interest & Dividends







Govt grants & subsidies







Other Capital Contributions














Reserves Contributions







Internal Interest Revenue







Land Sales







Total Income





















Rates expense







Grants - General







Grants - Promotions







Other Costs







Cost Allocations







Cost of Sales







Administrative Expenses














Fuel & Energy














Building Repairs and Mtce







Professional Fees







Internal Interest Expense







Members Remuneration














Total Expenses







Operating Surplus / (Deficit)    






  This table has rounding (+/-1)


Income for period ending 30 June 2022:


Operating income reflects an unfavourable variance of ($4.654M).

·    User fees and other income has an unfavourable variance of ($39k). Contributing to this are lower than expected pool admissions and camping ground revenue.

·    Other capital contributions have a favourable variance of ($82k). This is due to the timing of funding applications being made and accepted, along with the milestones of the capital projects. This variance relates to funding applications for the Poolburn Hall toilet and Alexandra Community Centre Stage upgrade projects where funding has not been received.

·    Reserves contributions has a favourable variance of $73k. These are difficult to gauge when setting budgets as they are dependent on developers’ timeframes.

·    Internal interest revenue has an unfavourable variance of ($40k). This is due to low market interest rates and term deposits.

·    Land sales revenue has an unfavourable variance of ($4.678M). The sales from the first two stages of the Dunstan Park subdivision were $8.322M. Stages 3 and 4 are yet to be released.

·    Government grants and subsidies has a favourable variance of $100k. Tourism Infrastructure Funding (TIF) has been received for Clyde River Carpark upgrade and access.



User Fees and Other Income



Full Year






Full Year

Annual Plan



Revised Budget



Revised Budget









Camping Grounds







Pool / Swim School







Rentals & Hires














Other Misc Income













Total User Fees Income






       This table has rounding (+/-1)


Expenditure for period ending 30 June 2022:


Expenditure has a favourable variance of $1.723M. These variances are detailed below:

·    Other costs has a favourable variance of $32k. This includes farming costs of $11k, repairs and maintenance equipment of $11k and security services of $6k. This is offset by chemicals and compliance schedule costs of ($23k).

·    Cost of sales has a favourable variance of $1.169M. The expenses recognised are the costs directly relating to the first two stages of the Dunstan Park subdivision. This is offset by the land sales revenue. Subdivision expenses are held in property intended for sale until titles have been issued and sales have been received. The expenses incurred and are then released concurrently.

·    Staff costs has a favourable variance of ($66k). Staff budgets in the Long-term Plan were consolidated into fewer costs centre. As a result, the actuals are not aligned with the budgets. This is being monitored and managed against overall budget variances. Main areas include: Property General Vincent, Omakau Recreation Reserve and Omakau Community Centre.

·    Fuel and energy has a favourable variance of $58k. This is due to lower-than-expected electricity costs.

·    Variances for contracts at $138k, building repairs and maintenance at $20k and professional fees at $51k are all favourable. These expenses are more needs-based and will vary against budget from time to time. The contracts variance is driven by the timing of work carried out for planned maintenance at other Alexandra Reserves of $32k, Clyde Museums of $47k, Poolburn Hall of $7k and Central Stories of $12k.

·    Internal interest expense has a favourable variance of $37k. This is reflected by the current low market interest rates.

·    Depreciation has a favourable variance of $246k. Parks and reserves depreciation is lower than expected by $350k. This is offset by the Alexandra Pool’s depreciation of ($43k). The district’s pools were revalued as at 30 June 2020 in the parks and reserves valuation. After the pool values increased significantly, Council elected to phase the increased depreciation over the next three years to reduce the impact of rates.


Capital Expenditure:


Capital expenditure (CAPEX) for the period ending 30 June 2022 reflects a favourable variance of $1.088M against the revised budget. The actual CAPEX spent to 30 June 2022 is 78% of the total revised budget.


Managers are currently working through their carry forward projects from the 2021/22 financial year.



AS AT 30 JUNE 2022



Full Year






Full Year

Annual Plan



Revised Budget



Revised Budget









Parks & Reserves:







Camping Grounds














Molyneux Pool







Parks and Reserves







Pioneer Park







Alexandra Town Centre







Total Parks & Reserves:














Tarbert Street Building







Clyde Community Centre







Alexandra Community Centre







Becks Hall







Poolburn Hall







Ophir Community Centre







Molyneux Stadium







Total Property:







Total Capital Expenditure







This table has rounding (+/-1)







Total for Parks and Reserves shows an overall favourable variance of $493k:

·    Cemeteries has a favourable variance of $75k. Alexandra Cemetery irrigation works has been delayed due to the need to install power cables before continuing with this project.

·    Parks and reserves has a favourable variance of $214k. The Omakau Recreation Reserve irrigation project is waiting for the location of the new community building to be confirmed before progressing. Other projects such as signs, bins and garden renewals are subject to timing and renewal requirements. Clyde Domain – playground has an unfavourable variance of ($82k). This project is offset by TIF funding.


Property has an overall favourable variance of $595k:

·    Alexandra Community Centre has a favourable variance of $354k. Earthquake strengthening and Memorial Theatre Project budgets are being carried forward. Due to a shortfall in funding for the stage upgrade project, staff are working on a proposal to combine the stage upgrade project with the earthquake strengthening project to achieve cost savings.

·    Molyneux Stadium has a favourable variance of $52k. The project design stage has been completed for the changing room upgrade. This project is to be carried forward and combined into the future earthquake strengthening project of the building.

·    Tarbert Street Building has a favourable variance of $129k. The library renovation project is currently in design phase. Construction is projected to start in February/March 2023.

·    Ophir Community Centre has a favourable variance of $17k. The Ophir Hall bathroom project is now complete with a total cost of $240k. Funding of $210k was provided for this project by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The shortfall of $31k has been funded from the remaining budget left of $10k from the Ophir Pool Changing Room project. The remaining deficit of $21k is being funded from the Ophir Hall Investment Account which the Board resolved to fund in resolution 22.1.2.



Reserve Funds table for Vincent Ward


·    As of 30 June 2021, the Vincent ward has an audited closing reserve funds balance of $2.69M. These are ward specific reserves and do not factor in the district-wide reserves which are in deficit at ($16.7M). Please refer to Appendix 1.

·    Taking the 2020-21 audited Annual Report closing balance and adding 2021-22 income and expenditure, carry forwards and resolutions, the Vincent ward is projected to end the 2021-22 financial year with a closing balance of $8.87M.



3.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - Vincent Ward Reserves 2021-2022  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:



Donna McKewen

 Ann McDowall


 Finance Manager





Vincent Community Board meeting

6 September 2022


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6 September 2022

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6                 Mayor’s Report

22.6.6         Mayor's Report

Doc ID:      591019


1.       Purpose


To consider an update from His Worship the Mayor.



That the Vincent Community Board receives the report.



His Worship the Mayor will give a verbal update on activities and issues of interest since the last meeting.



2.       Attachments





6 September 2022


7                 Chair's Report

22.6.7         Chair's Report

Doc ID:      591023


1.       Purpose


The Chair will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.



That the report be received.



2.       Attachments




6 September 2022

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8                 Members' Reports

22.6.8         Members' Reports

Doc ID:      591025


1.       Purpose


Members will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.



That the report be received.



2.       Attachments




6 September 2022


9                 Status Reports

22.6.9         September 2022 Governance Report

Doc ID:      591027


1.       Purpose


To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.



That the report be received.



2.       Discussion


2021/22 Reporting for the Alexandra Pool

The report for the Alexandra Pool has been completed (see appendix 1).


Status Reports

The status reports have been updated with any actions since the previous meeting (see appendix 2).



3.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - 2021/22 Report for the Alexandra Pool

Appendix 2 - VCB status report September 2022  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:

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Julie Harris

Sanchia Jacobs

Governance Support Officer

Chief Executive Officer





Vincent Community Board meeting

6 September 2022


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Vincent Community Board meeting

6 September 2022



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Vincent Community Board Agenda

6 September 2022


10               Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 31 October 2022.

Vincent Community Board Agenda

6 September 2022


11               Resolution to Exclude the Public


That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

22.6.10 - September 2022 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




[1] Resolution 22.4.4 committed $82,000 to the Alexandra District Museum Inc for the 2022/23 financial year.

[2] Badlands declined to uplift their grant.

[3] Resolution 21.7.2 committed $10,000 to Winterstellar in 2022/23 (subject to a satisfactory report back), $1,000 to the CODAT in 2022/23 for the Cover to Cover event and $24,500 for the 2022 Alexandra Blossom Festival.  Resolution 22.3.3 allocated $3,000 to the Central Otago A&P Association.