Vincent Community Board Meeting

Monday, 13 June 2022



Monday, 13 June 2022


2.00 pm


Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra


(Due to COVID-19 restrictions and limitations of the physical space, public access will be available through a live stream of the meeting.


The link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council's website.)


Sanchia Jacobs

Chief Executive Officer


Vincent Community Board Agenda

13 June 2022


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Vincent Community Board will be held in Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra and live streamed via Microsoft Teams on Monday, 13 June 2022 at 2.00 pm. The link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council’s website.

Order Of Business

1          Apologies. 5

2          Public Forum.. 5

3          Confirmation of Minutes. 5

Vincent Community Board meeting Meeting - 3 May 2022. 7

4          Declaration of Interest 13

22.4.1            Declarations of Interest Register 13

5          Reports. 16

22.4.2            Alexandra Library Renovation Project 16

22.4.3            IceinLine Ice Rink Roof Funding Application. 35

22.4.4            Alexandra District Museum Inc. 2022/23 Grant Application. 66

22.4.5            Vincent Financial Report for the Period Ending 31 March 2022. 70

6          Mayor’s Report 75

22.4.6            Mayor's Report 75

7          Chair's Report 76

22.4.7            Chair's Report 76

8          Members' Reports. 77

22.4.8            Members' Reports. 77

9          Status Reports. 78

22.4.9            June 2022 Governance Report 78

10       Date of the Next Meeting. 100

11       Resolution to Exclude the Public. 101

22.4.10         Clyde Holiday Park Financial Report 101

22.4.11         June 2022 Confidential Governance Report 101



Members           Cr M McPherson (Chairperson), Mr R Garbutt (Deputy Chair), Dr R Browne, Cr L Claridge, Cr I Cooney, Ms A Robinson, Ms S Stirling-Lindsay

In Attendance  T Cadogan (Mayor), S Jacobs (Chief Executive Officer), L Macdonald (Executive Manager - Corporate Services), J Muir (Executive Manager - Infrastructure Services), L van der Voort (Executive Manager - Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), J Harris (Governance Support Officer)


1                 Apologies

2                 Public Forum

3                 Confirmation of Minutes

Vincent Community Board meeting - 3 May 2022

Vincent Community Board Agenda

13 June 2022


MINUTES OF A mEETING OF THE Vincent Community Board
Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra and live streamed via microsoft teams ON Tuesday, 3 May 2022 COMMENCING AT 2.02 pm


PRESENT:              Cr M McPherson (Chairperson), Dr R Browne, Cr L Claridge, Ms A Robinson, Ms S Stirling-Lindsay

IN ATTENDANCE: T Cadogan (Mayor) (via Microsoft Teams), S Jacobs (Chief Executive Officer), L Macdonald (Executive Manager - Corporate Services), L van der Voort (Executive Manager - Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), A Mason (Media Marketing Manager), R Williams (Community Development Advisor), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), J Harris (Governance Support Officer)


1                 Apologies


Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Stirling-Lindsay

Seconded:          Browne

That the apologies received from Cr Cooney and Mr Garbutt be accepted.



2                 Public Forum

Danya Paterson – Central Otago A&P Show

Ms Paterson spoke to the Central Otago A&P Show application for a promotions grant before responding to questions.

Neil and Katrina Gallately – Badlands

Mr Gallately spoke to the Badlands application for a promotions grant before responding to questions.

John Cockroft – Historic Clyde

Mr Cockroft spoke to the Historic Clyde application for a promotions grant before responding to questions.

Malcolm McPherson – Alexandra and Districts Museum Incorporated

Dr McPherson gave an update on recent ADMI issues and activities before responding to questions.

Ken Churchill – Wilding Pines at Half Mile

Mr Churchill spoke in opposition to the proposal to remove pines trees from the Half Mile reserve in Alexandra before responding to questions.


3                 Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Browne

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the public minutes of the Vincent Community Board Meeting held on 22 March 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



4                 Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.

5                 Reports

22.3.2         2022-23 Annual Plan Budget and Fees and Charges Schedule

To approve the final budgets for the Vincent ward for inclusion in Council’s Annual Plan 2022-23 process and the 2022-23 fees and charges schedule.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Agrees the final Vincent ward 2022-23 Annual Plan budget and recommend to Council for inclusion in the 2022-23 Annual Plan.

C.      Agrees to accept the Vincent ward 2022-23 fees and charges schedule and recommend to Council for inclusion in the 2022-23 Annual Plan.



22.3.3         March 2022 Community and Promotions Grants Applications

To consider the March 2022 community and promotions grant applications to the Vincent Community Board.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               Stirling-Lindsay

Seconded:          McPherson

That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Allocates the grants as follows:



Grant Amount


Galloway and Springvale Hall Inc for replacement of entrance doors, insulation upgrade and new bore pump



Central Otago A&P Association for children’s entertainment – February 2023 event

$3,000 from the 2022/23 financial year


Badlands for signage costs

$3,130 from the 2021/22 financial year


Historic Clyde Inc for Karearea sculpture

$20,000 from 2021/22 financial year


The Badlands grant is subject to any necessary resource consents. Should the project not progress to achieve the QEII covenants by December 2027 the grant is to be repaid.



6                 Mayor’s Report

22.3.4         MAYOR'S REPORT

His Worship the Mayor gave an update on his recent activities and issues of interest in the Vincent ward. In addition he noted the achievements of Ethan Drake, who was placed top of St Johns cadets.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the Vincent Community Board receives the report.



7                 Chair's Report

22.3.5         Chair's Report

The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting:

·    Noted the recent ANZAC commemorations.

·    Attended a meeting of the Hearings Panel. Noted that there was no Hearings Panel meeting scheduled for May.

·    Attended the Council meeting and gave members an update on items discussed there.




Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Claridge

That the report be received.



8                 Members' Reports

22.3.6         Members' Reports

Members gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting:

Dr Browne reported on the following:

·    Attended an ADMI meeting.

·    Attended the Central Otago REAP AGM and noted their strong financial position.

·    Attended the Alexandra business breakfast meeting.

·    Took part in the Wakatipu Music Festival.

·    Noted the recent Aurora Energy power outages.

Ms Robinson reported on the following:

·    Attended the AGM for Keep Alexandra / Clyde Beautiful. Noted that the group had a new Chair.

Ms Stirling-Lindsay reported on the following:

·    Attended the Blossom Festival AGM and noted the new subcommittee structure that has been set up.

·    Noted the Youthline fundraising initiative - Walk and Talk. The Central Otago Youth Council have joined the initiative had encouraged others to join also.

Councillor Claridge reported on the following:

·    Noted the funeral service that was going to take place for the unknown gold miner that was found during the construction of the Clyde Dam.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Browne

That the report be received.



9                 Status Reports

22.3.7         May 2022 Governance Report

To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Browne

That the report be received.



10               Date of The Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 13 June 2022.

11               Resolution to Exclude the Public

Committee Resolution 

Moved:               McPherson

Seconded:          Claridge

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

Confidential Minutes of Ordinary Board Meeting

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

22.3.8 - May 2022 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




The public were excluded at 3.32 pm and the meeting closed at 3.35 pm.






13 June 2022

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4                 Declaration of Interest

22.4.1         Declarations of Interest Register

Doc ID:      583363


1.       Purpose


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



2.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - Declarations of Interest  


Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022



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13 June 2022

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5                 Reports

22.4.2         Alexandra Library Renovation Project

Doc ID:      576595


1.       Purpose of Report


To consider the concept plan and recommend to Council that the additional budget required to proceed with the Alexandra Library Renovation Project is funded externally by the Three Waters Better Off Support Package.



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Recommends to Council to approve the Alexandra Library Renovation Project concept plan on the condition that Council is successful in the application to cover the $611,500 budget shortfall from the Three Waters Better Off Support Package.

C.      Recommends to Council that if the funding application to the Three Waters Better Off Support Package is not successful, the concept plan is not approved. Council staff to progress with a cosmetic upgrade budgeted for.  




2.       Background


The Alexandra Library (the Library) is located within a Council building at 41 Tarbert Street.


A $330,000 budget to refurbish the Library was included in the Annual Plan 2015/16. This refurbishment was put on hold, and the budget was carried forward while the Council investigated an option to move the Library into the Central Stories building. As the library activity is a district activity, this budget is district-funded.


In addition, a $93,500 budget to cover a basic building upgrade to the library area was included in year one of the Long-term Plan 2021/31. This work's scope included new flooring, interior painting, upgrade to LED lighting, and installation of extra power points. As this building is a ward asset, this budget is ward-funded.


During the 2021-2023 Long Term Plan discussions, no amendments were made to the Library Refurbishment Project.


 The project plan was approved in August 2021 by the People and Culture Executive Manager (who oversees libraries). The Plan states the project goal and success criteria as follows:



Project Goal

This aim of this project is to create a space that provides for the traditional and evolving role of library services That offer a flexible space for the community to use to come together to connect and improve their social well-being.


The refurbishment must however allow for the possibility of the library shifting to a new location if required in the future. Furniture must be easily transportable and reusable, and any refurbishment of the of the building to be attractive to other commercial tenants.


Success Criteria

·    The library is refurbished to provide a welcoming, modern, fun, comfortable and flexible space for the community’s enjoyment.

·    The refurbishment is completed by the end of 2022.

·    The refurbishment is completed within budget.

·    80% of the Alexandra library staff agree that the refurbishment resulted in an improved place of work. This statistic is to be obtained by way of a confidential survey completed after one month of reopening.

·    80% of users feel either neutral or positive towards the refurbishment result. This statistic can be obtained over the first months use by way of a simple tablet survey at the front door with a choice of three smile faces, happy, neutral, and sad.

·    The Alexandra Library entry and circulation statistics increase over the first three months of reopening when comparing the statistic to the same period last year.


The Council’s communication team provided an update to the public via the Council’s Facebook and website. The following is an extract of the graphic used to depict a high-level view of the timeline for the project.


SEPTEMBER 2022  AUGUST  2021JUNE  2022Diagram

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The project is currently at the end of the concept design stage. At the end of this stage, the project team has approved the concept design, and the design is ready for consideration by the Community Board and then the Council.





3.       Discussion


Concept Design Approval

The library activity for the region is district-funded. However, under the Register of Delegations 2021, “Community Boards will be asked to advise Council in relation to the provision of library services within their ward(s).”


Therefore, the concept plan will be considered by the Vincent Community Board (the Board) for consideration, and the Board will make a recommendation to Council.


See appendix 1 for the concept plan.


When the project team considered the concept plan, the group paid particular attention to ensuring that the design provided flexibility within the current building and if the Library moved. For example, if the Library moves, the library furniture can be relocated, and the fixtures that remain are attractive to a new commercial tenant. 


Updated Programme

Due to the pandemic, the project is currently running approximately 3 months behind schedule. The Council’s communication team will update the public after the Board considers this report.


Continuity of Library Services During Construction

Construction at this point is programmed to be three months. To continue to provide library services to the ward, the opening hours of the Clyde Library will be increased, and a pop-up library will operate out of the Alexandra Community Centre.


Project Scope

Through the project planning stage, it was identified that a change of scope would deliver a more fit for purpose environment.  Additional items to be included were internal toilets, a separate staff room, and double glazing.



4.       Financial Considerations


Estimated Construction Costs

At the end of the concept design phase, the estimated project cost is $1,035,000. There are several reasons why this project’s cost has escalated higher than the budget.


A significant cost component of this concept design is the addition of internal toilets and a separate staff room (which were beyond the initial 2015/16 budget scope). The public toilets are currently external to the Library in Thompson Street, and the staffroom is a basic kitchenette at the end of the work/office area. In the 2016 public survey asking what the public would like to see in the upcoming refurbishment and within the 2018 Central Stories Feasibility Study, a key outcome the public wanted was a toilet within the library building. In addition, feedback from library staff identified a lack of an adequate kitchen and separate staffroom was vital to improving their working environment. 


A 30% contingency has been allowed for because of the current volatile conditions of the construction market due to the pandemic and given this cost estimate is at the concept design phase of the project.


Another financial consideration is that 2015 $330,000 budget set for the Library refurbishment has not increased in line with inflation. If the budget were adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index, the budget would be $480,000.


Additional Funding

It is proposed that the additional funding of $611,500 is funded externally by the Three Waters Better Off Support Package (the Better Off Package).


The Three Waters Better Off Support Package:

•     An investment by the Crown into the future for local government and community wellbeing; and

•     In recognition of the significance to the local government sector (and the communities they serve) of the transfer of responsibility for water service delivery.


The use of this funding supports councils to transition to their new role post-reform through meeting some or all of the following criteria, as laid out in the Heads of Agreement:

•     Supporting communities to transition to a sustainable and low-emissions economy, including by building resilience to climate change and natural hazards.

•     Delivery of infrastructure and/or services that support local place-making and improvements in community wellbeing.

•     Delivery of infrastructure and/or services that enable housing development and growth, with a focus on brownfield and infill development opportunities where those are available.


Funding proposals must be for:

•     new initiatives/projects; and/or

•     to accelerate, scale-up and/or enhance the quality of planned investment


Central Otago District Council will receive $12.84 million from the Better Off Package. This funding is allocated in two tranches. The duration of the expenditure programme must be on or before 30 June 2027.


Tranche 1

$3.21 million

Applications submitted before 30 September 2022.

Funding will be available when the application is approved. 

Estimated to be one month.

Tranche 2

$9.63 million

Applications date to be advised.

Funding will be available after 1 July 2024.


A report recommending projects for inclusion in the trance one funding submission will be provided to Council for consideration at the July Council meeting.



5.       Options


Option 1 – (Recommended)


The Board recommends that Council approve the Alexandra Library Renovation Project concept plan on the condition that Council is successful in the application to cover the $611,500 budget shortfall from the Three Waters Better Off Support Package.


If the funding application is unsuccessful agree to progress with a cosmetic upgrade only of repaint, recarpet, and shelving within budget.




·        The concept plan allows for an increased level of service, which is widely expected from library users and staff.

·        Toilet facilities within the Library are achieved. This improves all visitor’s safety and security as they do not need to exit the building to go to the toilet.

·        Improvement of staff morale as working conditions improve.

·        The increased level of service will help activate Tarbert Street.

·        The potential future relocation of the Library is factored into the design. Fittings can be reused and building improvements will help to attract prospective commercial tenants.

·        The Tarbert Street building is brought up to current building standards. For example, fire and accessibility standards.

·        If external funding is declined, the project's scope is reduced to being within budget only.




·        None.


Option 2


To not approve the concept plan and instruct staff to proceed with a cosmetic upgrade only of repaint, recarpet, and new shelving to be within budget.




·        No additional funding is required.




·        This option does not take advantage of the opportunity to secure additional external funding to increase the level of service, which is widely expected from library users and staff.

·        Outcomes of the Central Otago District Council’s Sustainability Strategy 2019-2024 will not be achieved.

·        Minimum cosmetic upgrade only achieved.

·        Minimum improvement to the level of service for library users and staff.

·        Minimum improvement to the activation of Tarbert Street.

·        Minimum improvement to staff morale.

·        Toilet within the Library not achieved.

·        The Tarbert Street building will not be bought up to current building standards as building consent will not be required.


Option 3


To not approve the concept plan or the cosmetic upgrade, the project goes back on hold.




·        No additional funding is required.

·        The remaining budget is unspent.




·        Library refurbishment will continue to be on hold.

·        The current lower level of service remains for library users and staff.

·        The environment staff is currently working in is not fit for purpose.

·        Toilet facilities within the Library are not achieved.

·        This option does not help activate Tarbert Street.

·        The Tarbert Street building is not bought up to current building standards.




6.       Compliance


Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the social, cultural, economic, and environmental wellbeing of communities in the present and the future by approving and providing funding for the proposed concept design for the Alexandra Library Refurbishment.


This concept design caters to an increased level of service, which is expected from a modern library.


The design future proofs the building to be attractive to a new commercial tenant if the Library was to move and also provides economic activation of the surrounding area.


The concept design includes charging stations for electric bikes and double glazing to improve the community’s energy consumption.

Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.

Yes, this decision gives effect to the Council’s Register of Delegations 2021, the Long-term Plan 2021/31, and the Sustainability Strategy 2019-2024.


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts

The concept design factors in a charging station for electric bikes and double glazing to improve the community’s energy consumption.


Risks Analysis

The contractor will manage the health and safety requirements of construction.


If a do-minimal or do-nothing option is selected, there is a risk of declining staff morale and user satisfaction.

Significance, Consultation, and Engagement (internal and external)

None of the thresholds/criteria in the Significance and Engagement Policy have been met or exceeded, so the proposal is not considered significant.



7.       Next Steps


·    Community update provided.

·    Report to Council.



8.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - The Alexandra Library Concept Plan  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:


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Christina Martin

Louise van der Voort

Property and Facilities Officer (Vincent and Teviot Valley)

Executive Manager - Planning and Environment





Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022



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13 June 2022


22.4.3         IceinLine Ice Rink Roof Funding Application

Doc ID:      581473


1.       Purpose of Report


To consider an application from IceinLine Central Incorporated for a funding grant towards the construction of a roof over their existing ice rink at Molyneux Park. 



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Notes IceinLine Central Incorporated request for a $400,000 grant towards the construction of a roof over the existing ice rink at Molyneux Park.

C.      Notes that the grant would either be funded from general reserves or be an additional cost on ratepayers.

D.      Agrees to consult with the community as part of the Annual Plan 2023/24.



2.       Background


At its September 2016 meeting the Vincent Community Board (the Board) considered the attached report Appendix 1 - IceInLine / Molyneux Aquatic Centre Energy Sustainability Initiative – Amended Proposal. Following discussion on that report the Board resolved the following.



A.           RESOLVED that the report be received and the level of significance accepted.


Hambleton / Topliss


B.           AGREED to:

(i)         Offer a grant of $650,000 to IceInLine for purchase of the new

Refrigeration plant and plant for transfer and use of heat to the

Molyneux Pool, and any building alterations that may be needed to accommodate the additional plant at Molyneux Pool.

(i)         Grant to be funded by a loan over a 20-year term.


Hambleton / Topliss


C.          AGREED to budget for the combined loan and energy cost for the Molyneux Pool in the 2017/18 Annual Plan and Long Term Plan as set out in the below table.


Number of years














Energy savings







Number of years














Energy savings








Hambleton / Topliss


D.      This resolution is subject:

(i)         To IceInLine agreeing to provide heat to Molyneux Pool for a minimum of 90 days during the months of June, July and August at a time and frequency to maximise energy savings at Molyneux Pool.

(ii)        Council receiving full detailed design and costings and accepting those.


Hambleton / Topliss


E.               The funding is to be for stage one of a two stage project, the second stage to include roofing in of the ice rink. All parties acknowledging the second stage is subject to funding.


Hambleton / Topliss


F.                RESOLVED to IceInLine it also explore funding opportunities from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) as part of its project.


Hambleton / Topliss



The energy share project was commissioned in 2018, with the expectation that there would be energy savings achieved in operating the pool from the transfer of waste heat. These savings would be used to pay off the loan (projected over 20 years). However, the savings originally predicted have not been achieved to date. A report to the Board in March 2021 provides background to the energy share project. (see Appendix 2).


Work continues on improving the operation and understanding of the energy share system and quantifying the energy savings being generated at the Alexandra pool. The results of this will be the subject of a report to the Board following this winter’s operation of the IceinLine facilities.





3.       Discussion


The construction of a roof over the existing ice rink is the final stage in a three-stage enhancement of the IceinLine Central Incorporated (IceinLine Central) facilities at Molyneux Park.

The first two stages included:

-     the Curling Rink, which was opened in 2021,

-     the IceinLine energy share system that transfers waste heat from the creation of ice to the Alexandra Pool. Commissioned in 2018.


IceinLine Central’s application for a $400,000 grant towards the construction of the roof over the existing Ice rink is a separate application from the energy saving project that the Board agreed to fund in 2016.


IceinLine Central provided a submission to the 2021 – 2031 Long-term Plan for this project. The recommendations from the Long-term Plan deliberations both at the Board and Council level were;



Moved:             McPherson

Seconded:         Garbutt

Recommends to Council that staff provide a report regarding Ice Inline for future consideration.




Moved:             Cadogan

Seconded:        Gillespie

Agrees to the recommendation from the Vincent Community Board on the draft 2021-31 Long-term Plan that staff provide a report regarding a request Ice Inline for future consideration.



This report is provided as requested in the above recommendations for the Board’s consideration.


As the Council is not consulting on the Annual Plan for year two of the Long-term Plan, IceinLine Central’s request will either need to be considered outside of this process or at the next Annual Plan 2023/24. If it was considered outside this annual plan/long-term process it could set a precedent as this is a significant request for funding.  Given the level of expenditure (similar to that of the Alexandra Riverpark consulted on in the long-term plan) it should be formally consulted on and weighed up against other community projects that require funding.


IceinLine Central’s formal grant request and detailed history of the project can be found in Appendix 3.


In their application IceinLine Central have highlighted the following benefits that having a roof on the ice rink would create:


·    It will extend the period in which ice is available for use by figure skaters. At present the rink is closed prior to the completion of the national “season” which means there are difficulties for those members training for regional and in particular national competitions.


·    A roof would allow certainty and the ability to:

-    Host more skating competitions.

-    Provide more certainty for school programmes and encourage participation from schools located further away.

-    Provide the ability to host more hockey competition games and extend the period ice is available to train and play on. Players are currently at a disadvantage compared to teams based in the covered rinks in Queenstown and Dunedin

-    Guarantee ice which would provide an opportunity for national competitions and possibly international games.

-    Encourage visitors to come and use the Indoor Curling facility while family members are entertained at the ice rink.


·    All of these additional activities would bring more people to the facility providing added revenue to Iceinline and the Alexandra community.



4.       Financial Considerations


An increase in rates can only be made during the annual and long-tern planning processes. If this funding request were directly rated for, it would result in an increase of approximately $67 per Vincent ward ratepayer. Rates impact would vary depending on if the Board opted to loan fund the request or consider other funding arrangements. All funding options would be considered through the preparation stages of the annual plan.


The Vincent Ward does have two reserve funds that could be used to support the application.

·    2111 – General Development Alexandra – balance 30 June 2021 was $1.325m with a predicted forecast of $455,770 at 30 June 2022.

·    4111- General Reserves and Development Earnscleugh Manuherekia - balance 30 June 2021 was $1.167m with a predicted forecast of $1.287m at 30 June 2022.


It should be noted that an analysis of funding already committed to be allocated from these

reserve funds is being undertaken to understand the funds balances before any additional

commitments are made.


IceinLine Central have advised they would ideally like to begin construction of the roof in the first quarter of 2023 and thus prefer the grant in the 2022/23 financial year. However, if this is not possible, they would look at other options, available to them, such as bridging finance or delaying the projects commencement.


The project budget provided by IceinLine Central consists of the following:



Date Priced

GST Exclusive

Roof Existing Rink

May 2022


Sewerage Connection

June 2021



June 2021


Safety Matting - Surrounds

Sept 2021


Cleaning Existing Rink Surface

Nov 2021





IceinLine Central have made funding applications for consideration from several other

funding providers outlined below. IceinLine Central have indicated they would prefer

funding support in principle from the Board towards this roofing project. This is so that other

potential funders would be assured the project will proceed with adequate funding sources in

place. Given that the community will need to be consulted it is not possible at this time to

provide that level of surety.





Vincent Community Board



Central Lakes Trust


Application Completed

Otago Community Trust


Application Approved for $250,000.

Lotteries Board


Applications accepted from 5 July.

Closes 1 September

Decision 1 December

Own Funds








5.       Options


Option 1 – (Recommended)


The Board notes IceinLine Central Incorporated request for a $400,000 grant towards the construction of a roof over the existing ice rink at Molyneux Park. And that the grant would either be funded from general reserves or be an additional cost on ratepayers.

And that a decision will be confirmed following consultation with the community as part of the Annual Plan 2023/24.




·        IceinLine Central receive a commitment from the Board that the community will be consulted on options for contributing to the project.

·        The Board follows good process by ensuring the funding request is considered through the Annual Plan process.

·        The decision of funding this project is considered along with any other funding applications through the Annual Plan process.

·        The Board would have the opportunity to investigate options for funding other than use of reserve funds e.g., fully rated or splitting funding using rates and reserve funds.




·        IceinLine Central will not know the community consultation outcome until 1 July 2023.Therefore potentially delaying any construction.

·        If following the Annual Plan consultation the project is approved, this will result in a depletion of reserves by $400,000 or an impact on rates.


Option 2


·        Decline IceinLine Central request for a $400,000 grant towards the construction of a roof over the existing ice rink at Molyneux Park.




·        There will be no potential rates increase or use of reserve funds required for the project.




·        IceinLine Central do not receive Board funding towards the construction of a roof over the existing ice rink.

·        Reserve funds can be used for other worthy community projects that are put forward for consideration in a long-term plan process or when the Board genuinely needs to access reserve funds in an ‘emergency’ situation.

·        Third party funders may need to consider additional funding requests for the project.



Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the (social/cultural/economic/environmental)  wellbeing of communities, in the present and for the future by extending the ice season enabling more recreational opportunities for users of the facility.



Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.


This decision follows on from resolutions made during the 2021 – 2031 Long Term Plan deliberations.


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts


The construction of a roof over the ice rink will enable a longer ice season with extended heat transfer being available to the Alexandra Pool


Risks Analysis


Risks anticipated with this project include increased building costs, other funding providers not committing to the project.

Setting a precedent for other groups to apply for significant funding outside Annual or Long-term Plan processes.


Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)


This application does not trigger Council’s Significance, Consultation and Engagement policy.




6.       Next Steps


To advise IceinLine Central of the Board’s recommendation.



7.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - VCB September 2016 Report

Appendix 2 - Alexandra Pool Energy Consumption Report.

Appendix 3 - IceinLine Roof Funding Application.  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:



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Gordon Bailey

Louise van der Voort

Parks and Recreation Manager

Executive Manager - Planning and Environment





Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022



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Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022


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Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022


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13 June 2022

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22.4.4         Alexandra District Museum Inc. 2022/23 Grant Application

Doc ID:      581340


1.       Purpose of Report


To consider a funding application from the Alexandra District Museum Incorporated.



That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Agrees to accept the grant application from the Alexandra District Museum Incorporated outside of the formal grant round timing, due to exceptional circumstances.

C.      Decides the grant to be allocated to the Alexandra District Museum Incorporated.


2.       Background


The Central Otago District Council contributes to the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the local community through the contestable grants process. 


The objectives of the grants process are:


·    Enhance well-being in the district (social, economic, environmental and cultural)

·    Empower local communities

·    Facilitate the delivery of community outcomes

·    Promote our regional identity: Central Otago A World of Difference.


A comprehensive review of the grants policy took place in August 2019 with further reviews undertaken in June 2021 and January 2022.  These reviews were to streamline the process and improve the community experience in using the policy.


Other than in exceptional circumstances, the Board considers grant applications in two rounds annually.  Applications for the first round closed at the end of August 2021 for a decision in September, with the second round closing at the end of March 2022 for a decision in May. 


As noted in the application’s supporting documentation, Alexandra District Museum Incorporated (ADMI) has recently experienced staff changes and there has also been a change in staff administering the community grants on behalf of Council.  Due to these changes, ADMI was unaware that the March funding cycle was accepting applications for the 2022/23 financial year.  As such, it is recommended that this application is considered outside of the normal grants cycle.


The Vincent Community Board is delegated the authority to consider applications for activities and projects within its boundaries. 


Annually, there is $120,000 to distribute in the Vincent community grants scheme. The following table illustrates the commitments already made and the amounts left to distribute.




Type of grant



Community Grants Budget



Less distributed 1st Round and hardship grants



Less distributed from 2nd round



Plus returned grants



Balance left to distribute





3.       Discussion


ADMI have applied for $82,000.



Name of Organisation

Name of project / service

Purpose of funding

When does the project start

Total costs

Amount requested


Alexandra and District Museum Inc


Annual operating costs


Operation of museum and art gallery







Copies of the application, supporting documentation and staff assessment are provided to Council under separate cover.



4.       Financial Considerations


As detailed above, there is $860 left to distribute for the 2021/22 Community Grants round and $120,000 to distribute in the 2022/23 financial year.


For the last funding round, organisations were able to apply for the remainder of the 2021/22 financial year grants budgets, or for the 2022/23 financial year, for projects that take place in that financial year. 


When considering applications for a future financial year, members will need to be mindful that any approvals will decrease the grant amount available for that financial year’s funding round and may cause the perception of an uneven playing field to other applicants.  However, if the Board was of a mind to commit funding for the 2022/23 financial year it would clearly signal to other applicants the size of the grants funding pool left available.


ADMI has applied for 12 months of funding.  Staff are recommending that either 4 months or 16 months of funding is granted, to align their grants with the 1st funding round annually and ensure that in future years, all applicants are on the same funding cycle. 


As discussed in the staff assessment, the alignment issue was first highlighted in a report to the 9 June 2021 Vincent Community Board meeting.  At that time, the Board was asked to consider providing a hardship grant to ADMI in recognition of the change in operational timelines for the funding rounds imposed by the new Grants Policy.  This request was granted, and $18,364 was allocated for this purpose. 


However, this hardship grant amount was then deducted from ADMI’s annual grant, which meant that the operational timelines were not adjusted as anticipated.  As a consequence, it is recommended that a one-off additional adjustment is paid to ADMI of $26,667.  This equates to four months of funding. This would ensure that ADMI received the existing levels of funding from the Vincent Community Board until the first funding round of grants in either the 2022/23 or 2023/24 financial years was paid to applicants.


The Board has two options to fund this adjustment.  Funds could be committed from the 2022/223 $120,000 budget for community grants, leaving $13,333 to distribute to other organisations.  When considering this option, it should be noted that the Board distributed funds totalling $34,093 to organisations other than ADMI in the first round of funding for the 2021/22 grants round as follows:


Alexandra and Districts Youth Trust


Earnscleugh Community Society Inc


Galloway Hall


Haehaeata Natural Heritage Trust


Shaky Reserve Group


Keep Alexandra / Clyde Beautiful


Salvation Army


Alexandra Community Advice Network





An alternative option that staff explored was  that the Board could consider committing the $860 that is remaining in the 2021/22 grants pool and fund the remaining $25,807 from reserves.  It should be noted that as at 31 December 2021, the specific Vincent Grants Reserve was in deficit of $47,195.  The Board could consider using its general reserve fund, however the Board would need to be satisfied that the one-off payment was suitable to be paid for by this fund, and that it aligned with the Board’s other priorities. The use of general reserves for such a request could be seen as not financially prudent. 


This option is only available to the Board due to the exceptional circumstances created by the need for alignment with the grants process and would need to be by way of a recommendation to Council.



5.       Options


The Board is asked to consider the application and determine the appropriate level of funding.  There are no other options as the Board has the delegation to allocate grants from the contestable funds.



6.       Compliance


Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions

This decision promotes the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of communities, in the present and for the future by providing a contestable funding pool that enables projects to be delivered in the community that enhance wellbeing.


Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc.

Yes, this decision is consistent with the Grants Policy, and other plans and policies that may be impacted by any of the individual grant applications.


Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts

There is no direct impact, some applications may have a positive environmental impact from time to time.


Risks Analysis

No risks have been identified in the funding applications. 

Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external)

The funding rounds were advertised in the local newspaper, Council’s website and Facebook page, and through combined agency community funding clinics.  Discussions with departments of Council have taken place where there impacts arising from the application.




7.       Next Steps


Once the Board has made a decision on the level of funding this will be communicated to ADMI and payment made.



8.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - ADMI Grant Application Staff Assessment (under separate cover)

Appendix 2 - ADMI Grant Application (under separate cover)

Appendix 3 - ADMI Grant Application Supporting Documentation (under separate cover)  




Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:


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Rebecca Williams

Sanchia Jacobs

Community Development Advisor

Chief Executive Officer





13 June 2022


22.4.5         Vincent Financial Report for the Period Ending 31 March 2022

Doc ID:      581356


1.       Purpose


To consider the financial performance overview as at 31 March 2022.



That the report be received.



2.       Background


The operating statement for the three months ending 31 March 2022 shows an unfavourable variance of ($1.719M) against the revised budget.



AS AT 31 MARCH 2022



Full Year






Full Year

Annual Plan



Revised Budget



Revised Budget
















User fees & Other







Other Capital Contributions














Reserves Contributions







Internal Interest Revenue







Land Sales







Total Income





















Rates expense







Grants - General







Grants - Promotions







Other Costs







Cost Allocations







Cost of Sales







Administrative Expenses














Fuel & Energy














Building Repairs and Mtce







Professional Fees







Internal Interest Expense







Members Remuneration














Total Expenses







Operating Surplus / (Deficit)    






This table has rounding (=/-1)


Income for period ending 31 March 2022:


Operating income reflects an unfavourable variance of ($31k).

·    User fees and other income has an unfavourable variance of ($10k). Contributing to this are lower than expected pool admissions and camping ground revenue.

·    Other capital contributions has an unfavourable variance of ($21k). This is due to the timing of funding applications being made and accepted, along with the milestones of the capital projects. This variance relates to funding applications for the Poolburn Hall toilet and Alexandra Community Centre Stage upgrade projects where funding has not been received.

·    Reserves contributions of $134k have been received, $16k more than budgeted for. These are difficult to gauge when setting budgets as they are dependent on developers’ timeframes.

·    Internal interest revenue has an unfavourable variance of ($16k). This is due to low market interest rates.

·    Land sales revenue has no variance. This is due to the revised budget being realigned to include the sales from stage one of the Dunstan Park subdivision.



User Fees and Other Income



Full Year






Full Year

Annual Plan



Revised Budget



Revised Budget









Camping Grounds







Pool / Swim School







Rentals & Hires














Other Misc Income














Total User Fees Income








Expenditure for period ending 31 March 2022:


Expenditure has an unfavourable variance of ($1.688M). These variances are detailed below:

·    Grants – Promotions has a favourable variance of $11k. The Blossom festival grant has been returned due to the decision to cancel the 2021event with the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

·    Cost of sales has an unfavourable variance of ($1.940M). This is predominately due to the timing of the budget and when stage one of the Dunstan Park subdivision was completed. The expenses recognised are the costs directly relating to stage one of the subdivision. This is offset by the land sales revenue.

·    Staff costs has an unfavourable variance of ($13k). Staff budgets in the Long-term Plan were consolidated into fewer costs centre. As a result, the actuals are not aligned with the budgets. This is being monitored and managed against overall budget variances. Main areas include: Property General Vincent, Omakau Recreation Reserve and Omakau Community Centre.

·    Contracts at $76k, building repairs and maintenance at $15k and professional fees at $19k all have favourable variances. These expenses are more needs-based and will vary against budget from time to time. The contracts variance is driven by the timing of work carried out for planned maintenance at the Alexandra Cemetery of $15k, other Alexandra Reserves $35k and Central Stories $16k.

·    Internal interest expense has a favourable variance of $15k. This is reflected by the current low market interest rates.

·    Depreciation has a favourable variance of $99k. Parks and reserves depreciation is lower than expected by $140k. This is offset by the Alexandra pool’s depreciation of ($43k). The district’s pools were revalued as at 30 June 2020 in the parks and reserves valuation. After the pool values increased significantly, Council elected to phase the increased depreciation over the next three years to reduce the impact of rates.


Capital Expenditure:


Capital expenditure (CAPEX) for the period ending 31 March 2022 reflects a favourable variance of $373k against the revised budget. The actual CAPEX spent to 31 March 2022 is 34% of the total revised budget.



AS AT 31 MARCH 2022



Full Year






Full Year

Annual Plan



Revised Budget



Revised Budget









Parks & Reserves:







Camping Grounds














Molyneux Pool







Parks and Reserves







Pioneer Park







Alexandra Town Centre







Total Parks & Reserves:














Tarbert Street Building







Clyde Community Centre







Alexandra Community Centre







Becks Hall







Poolburn Hall







Ophir Community Centre







Molyneux Stadium







Total Property:







Total Capital Expenditure







Total for Parks and Reserves shows an overall favourable variance of $174k:

·    Cemeteries has a favourable variance of $35k. Of the Alexandra cemetery projects, beam construction at the Alexandra cemetery is due for completion in April; and the shelterbelt (including irrigation) has been delayed due to the need to install power cables before continuing with this project.

·    Parks and reserves has a favourable variance of $73k. The Omakau Recreation Reserve irrigation project is waiting for the location of the new community building to be confirmed before progressing. Cenotaph assessments have been completed and irrigation components have been recently changed. Other projects such as signs, bins and garden renewals are subject to timing and renewal requirements.

·    Alexandra Town Centre has a favourable variance of $31k. Garden and structure work will be carried out in May and June 2022.



Property has an overall favourable variance of $199k:

·    Alexandra Community Centre has a favourable variance of $142k. Earthquake strengthening and Memorial Theatre Project budgets, are being carried forward. Due to a shortfall in funding for the stage upgrade project, staff are working on a proposal to combine the stage upgrade project with the earthquake strengthening project to achieve cost savings. A report will be taken to the Board to consider the construction and funding options.

·    Ophir Community Centre has a favourable variance of $17k. The Ophir Hall bathroom project is now complete with a total cost of $240,521. Funding of $210,000 was provided for this project by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The shortfall of $31k has been funded from the remaining budget left of $10k from the Ophir Pool Changing Room project. The remaining deficit of $21k is being funded from the Ophir Hall Investment Account which the Board resolved to fund in resolution 22.1.2.

·    Molyneux Stadium has a favourable variance of $21k. The project design stage has been completed for the changing room upgrade. This project will be carried forward and combined into the future earthquake strengthening project for the building.


Reserve Funds table for Vincent Ward


·    As of 30 June 2021, the Vincent ward has an audited closing reserve funds balance of $2.69M. These are ward specific reserves and do not factor in the district-wide reserves which are in deficit at ($16.7M). Please refer to Appendix 1.

·    Taking the 2020-21 audited Annual Report closing balance and adding 2021-22 income and expenditure, carry forwards and resolutions, the Vincent ward is projected to end the 2021-22 financial year with a closing balance of $8.87M.



3.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - 21-22 - Vincent Ward Reserves 2021-2022.pdf  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:


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Donna McKewen

Leanne Macdonald


Executive Manager - Corporate Services





Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022



13 June 2022

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6                 Mayor’s Report

22.4.6         Mayor's Report

Doc ID:      583242


1.       Purpose


To consider an update from His Worship the Mayor.



That the Vincent Community Board receives the report.



His Worship the Mayor will give a verbal update on activities and issues of interest since the last meeting.



2.       Attachments





13 June 2022


7                 Chair's Report

22.4.7         Chair's Report

Doc ID:      583246


1.       Purpose


The Chair will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.



That the report be received.



2.       Attachments




13 June 2022


8                 Members' Reports

22.4.8         Members' Reports

Doc ID:      583249


1.       Purpose


Members will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.



That the report be received.



2.       Attachments




13 June 2022


9                 Status Reports

22.4.9         June 2022 Governance Report

Doc ID:      582877


1.       Purpose


To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.



That the report be received.



2.       Discussion


Status Reports

The status reports have been updated with any actions since the previous meeting (see appendix 1).



3.       Attachments


Appendix 1 - VCB Status Report  


Report author:

Reviewed and authorised by:



Julie Harris

Sanchia Jacobs

Governance Support Officer

Chief Executive Officer





Vincent Community Board meeting

13 June 2022



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Vincent Community Board Agenda

13 June 2022


10               Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 26 July 2022.

Vincent Community Board Agenda

13 June 2022


11               Resolution to Exclude the Public


That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

Confidential Minutes of Ordinary Board Meeting

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

22.4.10 - Clyde Holiday Park Financial Report

s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

22.4.11 - June 2022 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7