Vincent Community
Museum, 5 Blyth Street, Clyde
10.00 am
PRESENT: Mr J Cromb (Chairperson), Dr R Browne, Cr L Claridge, Mr T Hammington, Mr D Johns, Cr M McPherson,
IN ATTENDANCE: T Alley (Mayor), P Kelly (Chief Executive Officer), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), A Mason (Media and Marketing Manager), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), M Tohill (Communications Officer), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)
1 Apologies
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Claridge That apologies from Cr T Paterson be received and accepted. |
2 Public Forum
Andy Ritchie - Clyde Blyth Street Museum
Ms Ritchie spoke on behalf of the Clyde Museum and gave an overview of the history of the building and the work programme that the group had undertaken in recent years. She noted strong volunteer support and the significant amount of money that had been fundraised, that enabled the group to introduce new exhibitions and ensure the building is keep in good repair. She noted the importance of the museum within the Clyde community and the good support they received for events and talks.
Ms Ritchie asked for reassurance that the museum could continue to operate into the future, with either a long-term lease agreement or for an contract for the museum group to take over the ownership of the building, and she thanked the board for their support of the museum.
Anna McRitchie - Clyde Town Square
Ms McRitchie noted that she is proud to be a resident and business owner in Clyde. She spoke of the positive improvements to streetscaping the town square the space was not well utilised as it had no shade and needed a sun shade. She also noted some screening in front of the toilet block would be good and that the lights in the town square were very bright and not in keeping with the rest of the heritage precinct.
Ms McRitchie then responded to questions.
Graham Ashby - Tree Removal Molyneux
Mr Ashby spoke to board on behalf of himself and neighbours in Molyneux Estate, Alexandra, to thank them and staff for responding to his issue with a tree adjacent to his property, noting that the poplar tree in question is now on the work schedule to be removed.
Russell Garbutt - Interface between the Community and the Board
Mr. Garbutt, in observing the building's history and comparing past practices with the council's current work, expressed concern over what he deemed was insufficient attention to cost reduction and staff number reviews, citing unsustainable rate increases. He believed that in the current conversation on divestment of halls, these assets had already been paid for by the community and that in many cases, they could be more efficiently run by community groups.
Mr Garbutt then responded to questions.
Janice Millis - Clyde Theatre Group
Ms Millis noted that she is an Alexandra resident and that she had been involved in theatre groups in the area for 25 years and stated that the potential divestment of community halls would jeopardise the fabric of the community and she asked why council are focused on this course of action. She went on to list the wide range of community groups that use the halls and noted that she would like to be part of the ongoing discussion around this topic and wanted her questions answered.
Ms Millis then responded to questions.
Angela McNaughton - Earnscleugh Hall Committee
Spoke on behalf of the Earnscleugh Hall which had been run by the hall committee for 98 years. They cover all their own expenses and raised money for their outgoings and had plans underway for celebrating the halls centenary in 2026. They also had further plans to paint the outside of the hall and Ms McNaughton indicated the committee would come back to the board to request to be able to draw down more funds from the Earnscleugh Amenity Trust Fund at this time.
3 Declarations of Interest
Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.
Note: With the permission of the meeting item 25.1.2 was moved forward.
25.1.2 Request from Earnscleugh Community Society Inc for Earnscleugh Amenity Trust Funding There was discussion around the funding being distributed respectively but it was noted that the committee were required to get work done at a time when the appropriate trades people were available. |
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Claridge That the Vincent Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves a grant of $19,510.69 to the Earnscleugh Community Society Inc from the Earnscleugh Amenity Trust Fund for costs associated with repairs and maintenance of the Earnscleugh Hall. Carried |
5 Confirmation of Minutes
Moved: Johns Seconded: Browne That the public minutes of the Vincent Community Board Meeting held on 3 December 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record. |
25.1.3 Promotion and Events Grant Application - Dare 2 Sweat Events |
To consider an application from Dare 2 Sweat Events to the Promotions and Events Grant budget outside the publicised funding rounds. There was discussion around competitiveness of recent funding rounds but given the economic benefit of this event to the district the board opted to support the event to cover Council related costs. |
Moved: Hammington Seconded: Johns Recommendations That the Vincent Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Agrees the requested grant can be considered under the Council Grant Policy exceptional circumstances criteria. C. Approves a grant ‘In Kind’ to a maximum of $600 to be applied to Council related costs including Road Closure notification, Reserve Hire and Rubbish Bins for the Dare 2 Sweat Events Spirited Women Adventure Race February 2025. Carried with Cr McPherson abstaining from the vote. |
To consider a request from St Bathans Area Community Association (SBACA) to retain the Promotions Grant previously approved to the St Bathans Fete event which will now be held in January 2026. |
Moved: Claridge Seconded: Hammington That the Vincent Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Agrees to allow the St Bathans Area Community Association to retain the $1,500 promotion grant for the St Bathans Fete 2026. C. Recommended that the retained grant is applied as per the original resolution 24.4.3. The grant to be applied to traffic management, road closure costs, equipment hire and programmes for the St Bathans Fete January 2026. D. Notes that it is the grant recipient’s responsibility to obtain and have in place the appropriate consents, plans and licences (including resource consent, health and safety plans etc) as required by legislation, agencies, property owners and/or individuals to undertake the project and engagement with affected communities and businesses. |
To consider the naming of an open space in Alexandra. The board asked if there would be some informative panels to tell the story of the naming of the reserve and it was confirmed that these would be incorporated into the design. |
Moved: Cromb Seconded: Browne That the Vincent Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves the open space at the lower end of Tarbert Street, at the junction of the Mata-au/Clutha and Manuherekia Rivers, and legally described as Section 16 Survey Office 307905 to be named ‘Kāmoanahaehae – Riverside Park’. |
Her Worship the Mayor spoke to her report. |
Moved: Cromb Seconded: Browne That the Vincent Community Board receives the report. |
1 Mayor's Report - February 2025 |
The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting |
Moved: Cromb Seconded: Claridge That the report be received. |
1 Chairs Report - February 2025 |
Members gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting. Cr McPherson reported on the following: · Noted that Blossom Festival has an AGM in early March. · Gave an update on recent Hearings panel meetings. · Had been approached by members of the community to discuss the conversation around the halls and potential divestment, and also councils proposed increases in water charges. · Noted it is an exciting year ahead and that he is looking forward to debating the Long-term Plan submissions. Mr Johns reported on the following: · Had attended meetings for the Alexandra Golf Course, Alexandra Rugby Club and Golf Vallance Cottage. · Noted Alexandra is hosting the over 70’s cricket tournament Cricket group this weekend. · Had met with staff from Living Options to encourage residents to play golf. · Had met with staff from the Blast scheme, and noted that Alexandra Rugby Club will be hosting the group whilst their usual venue is unavailable.
Mr Hammington reported on the following: · Attended the December Promote Dunstan meeting. Cr Claridge had nothing to report. Dr Browne reported on the following · Attended two meetings of Keep Alexandra Clyde Beautiful. · Attended two meetings of Alexandra and District Museum board. · Attended a meeting of the Central Otago District Arts Trust. · Attended a strategic planning meeting of the Central Otago District Arts Trust. · Chaired a meeting of the Creative Writers Circle. · Attended a meeting of the CO-Lab business group. · Looked at progress at removing pine trees from the Kamaka Walkway. · Helped at the Alexandra Christmas community lunch, catering for 70 people.
Moved: Hammington Seconded: Claridge That the report be received. |
The update was given via video presentation. |
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Hammington That the report be received. |
Note: The meeting was adjourned at 11.53 am and resumed at 12.02 pm
25.1.13 Update - Emergency Management |
To update the board on Emergency Management activities. An update was given on the role of emergency management and their delegations within the district. |
Note: Mr Johns left the meeting at 12.12 pm and returned at 12.18 pm.
The date of the next scheduled meeting is 18 March 2025.
The meeting closed at 12.27 pm