Teviot Valley Community Board
Roxburgh Service Centre, 120 Scotland Street, Roxburgh
Wednesday, 5 February 2025 COMMENCING AT 10.02 am


PRESENT:              Mr N Dalley (Chairperson), Mr M Jessop, Ms G Booth, Cr S Feinerman,         Mr C Pannett

IN ATTENDANCE: D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision),  D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), P Fleet (Roading Manager), C Webster (Communications Officer), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)

1              Apologies

There were no apologies.

2              Public Forum

Graeme Rae – Mowing of Berms

Mr Rae reminded the board that he had asked for feedback following the December meeting with regards to the berms issue.  He requested that the board put a regular column in the Teviot Bulletin to communicate matters that the board are discussing.  He noted that there is a meeting of the ratepayers group on 12th February at the Ettrick Hall.

Mr Rae then responded to questions.

3              Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Dalley

Seconded:          Jessop

That the public minutes of the Teviot Valley Community Board Meeting held on 5 December 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



4              Declarations of Interest

Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.

5              Reports

25.1.2         Mowing of Individual Grass Verge Roxburgh

To consider mowing the verge on the corner of Smith and Scotland Street Roxburgh.

It was noted that the original report presented to the December 2024 meeting, item 24.8.3 was left to lie on the table.  However following the Council adoption of the Grass Verges Policy the process for residents to apply to have their verges mown is now outlined in the policy. Applications would be considered on a case-by-case basis according to criteria.

It was noted that the application would apply for the ratepayer for the property at the time and should there be a sale of the property, the agreement would cease.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Dalley

Seconded:          Pannett

That the Teviot Valley Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Declines mowing of the grass verge on the corner of Smith and Scotland Streets, Roxburgh.

Carried with Ms booth recording her vote against.  


25.1.3         Representation on External Committees

To consider replacing Russell Read on two external committees.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Dalley

Seconded:          Feinerman

That the Teviot Valley Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Appoints a Mr Pannett as a representative to the I and H McPhail Charitable Trust and the Tuapeka County Bursary Fund Committee.



6              Mayor’s Report

25.1.4         Mayor's Report

Her Worship the Mayor was not present at the meeting.

7              Chair's Report

25.1.5         Chair's Report

The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.

·       Had attended and chaired an informal workshop in the Roxburgh Hall on 17 December, with good attendance.

·       Attended the Council meeting in Cromwell and gave an update on the recent board matters.

·       Had responded to more enquiries on berm mowing and on the potential divestment of Roxburgh pool Punawai Ora, along with many requests about what the rate increase percentage would be for Teviot ratepayers.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Dalley

Seconded:          Jessop

That the report be received.



8              Members' Reports

25.1.6         Members' Reports

Members gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.

Mr Pannett reported on the following:

·       Attended Teviot Irrigation AGM.

·       Attended the public workshop held in December, that served to enhance public understanding around the reasoning for the potential divestment of the pool but also noted widespread concern around the cost of this process.

·       Attended the Millers Flat coffee club, noted the unrest in the community about the Millers Flat hall being considered for divestment, and discussion around the proposed green waste facility.

·       Noted that the public perception of the Long-term Plan consultation is that internal council decisions had been made rather that it being a topic for discussion and consultation.

Cr Feinerman reported on the following:

·       Met with Cath Kelly at Grovers Hill cycle tracks, to discuss the creation of some biking ramps and jumps. Had been liaising with Ben from Sports Central to help start off this work.  Parents and children are now involved and Sports Central are keen to set up a junior committee to help continue the formation of tracks in this area.

·       Attended a Teviot Prospects meeting.

·       Gave an update on December and January Council meetings and workshops, noted the inclusion of the Teviot Valley in the Alcohol Ban that is currently up for consultation.

·       Attended a workshop with DIA representatives to discuss the Regional Deals concept and gave an update on this process.

·       Will be attending the all of government Rural & Provincial sector conference.

Ms Booth reported on the following:

·       Noted that she was an apology to the recent rest home and Medical Services meeting.

Mr Jessop reported on the following:

·       Attended a Teviot Water Company AGM.

·       Attended the public workshop held in the Roxburgh Hall in December.

·       Teviot Prospects meetings, work has been completed on the living wall, and they are in planning looking at the seats and planter boxes and some murals on the wall need refreshing.

·       Attended a Millers Flat coffee morning.

·       Attended the Millers Flat committee meeting regarding the potential divestment of the hall, and the main issue is the liability around earthquake strengthening. And noted the issues with land ownership on the reserve.

·       Noted similar discussions with the Millers Flat bowling club.

·       Had received communication from ratepayers on the potential rates increase.

·       Had been working on the Millers Flat Sports and Recreation Hub project, noting they had received letters of support from members of the community, and had already received some external funding.  It was noted that there would be no cost the council, as they have indication from external funders they will support the project. The committee would maintain much of the area so that would reduce council maintenance costs.  The total budget of $600,000 was all hoped to be received from external funders and local support.  There would be another community meeting and it had been advertised in the Teviot Bulletin and once the final design plans are finalised they will go back to the community to seek feedback.


Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Dalley

Seconded:          Booth

That the report be received.



9              Status Reports

25.1.7         February 2025 Governance Report

To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.

An update was given on the new Millers Flat Bridge Posting.  The impact on local businesses and the increased volume of traffic on the Roxburgh East road was discussed, with this posting adding 40-minutes to journey time for trucks. 

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Dalley

Seconded:          Jessop

That the report be received.



Note:  Mr Dalley left the meeting at 11.26 am and did not return.  Mr Jessop assumed the Chair.


25.1.8         Update - Play Strategy

An update was given via video presentation.



10            Date of The Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 20 March 2025.  It was noted that the venue was to be confirmed.


The meeting closed at 11.47 am




                                                                                      CHAIR        /         /