MINUTES OF A Council Meeting OF THE Central Otago District Council
HELD AT Ngā Hau e
Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra
10.30 am
PRESENT: Her Worship the Mayor T Alley (Chairperson), Cr N Gillespie, Cr S Browne, Cr I Cooney, Cr S Duncan, Cr S Feinerman, Cr C Laws, Cr N McKinlay, Cr M McPherson, Cr T Paterson
IN ATTENDANCE: P Kelly (Chief Executive Officer), L Fleck (General Manager - People and Culture), J Muir (Three Waters Director), S Righarts (Group Manager - Business Support), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), L Webster (Acting Group Manager - Planning and Infrastructure), P Morris (Chief Financial Officer), Q Penniall (Infrastructure Manager), P Fleet (Roading Manager), P Keenan (Capital Projects Programme Manager), J Thomas (Water Services Sampling & Monitoring Team Leader), A Rodgers (Principal Policy Planner), A Lines (Risk and Procurement Manager) and W McEnteer (Governance Manager)
1 Karakia
Cr Gillespie gave a karakia to begin the meeting.
2 Apologies
Moved: Alley Seconded: Laws
That the apology received from Cr Claridge be accepted. |
3 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
Moved: Browne Seconded: Cooney That the public minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 December 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record. |
Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. It was noted that Cr Gillespie had an update for the register that would be sent to Governance.
6 Community Board Chair Update
There was no update. |
Note: Cr Duncan assumed the Chair as the Roading portfolio lead.
To consider a reduction in level of service on Naseby Link Road in the Māniatoto Ward. |
Moved: McKinlay Seconded: Gillespie That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves the re-classification of Naseby Link Road to “Unmaintained” |
To consider an update on the Little Valley Bridge capex project. |
Moved: Duncan Seconded: Paterson That the report be received. |
Note: Cr Laws assumed the Chair as the Three Waters and Waste portfolio lead.
To consider progress on achieving Otago Regional Council Consent (ORC) compliance for Central Otago District Council (CODC) wastewater activities. It was noted that the abatement notice extensions for Ranfurly and Naseby were successful. |
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Duncan That the report be received. |
To consider the procurement plan for tendering of water pipe renewals for the 2024 - 2026 period. After discussion it was agreed that part D of the resolution could only be enacted if the revised procurement policy was adopted and that the resolution should be changed to reflect this. |
Moved: Paterson Seconded: Feinerman That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Notes that the priority water pipe renewal sites are Bridge Hill Rising Main, Enterprise Street (Alexandra) and Northland Street (Ranfurly). C. Approves the procurement plan for tendering of water pipe renewals on Bridge Hill and Enterprise Street, Alexandra, including the following (a) Tenders to be evaluated using the Weighted Attribute Method with a 40% price weighting. D. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to award the work to the preferred contractor following the procurement process, provided that the tendered amounts are within the approved budget and subject to the revised Procurement Policy being adopted (25.1.14). |
To consider procurement of protozoa barrier treatment for the Ranfurly Water Treatment Plant. After discussion it was agreed that part E of the resolution could only be enacted if the revised procurement policy was adopted and that the resolution should be changed to reflect this. It was also noted that staff planned to procure both of the protozoa barrier projects together. The proposed procurement schedules were tabled for Councillors to consider the timeframes for these projects. |
Moved: Feinerman Seconded: Duncan That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves installation of a cartridge and ultraviolet (UV) treatment solution as an affordable option to meet the New Zealand Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules C. Notes that a cartridge and ultraviolet (UV) treatment solution: (a) will have a treatment capacity limit is likely to require water conservation measures when source water experiences high turbidity (b) operational costs will rise to meet increased electricity and plant operations associated with additional treatment processes D. Approves the procurement plan for protozoa barrier treatment at the Ranfurly Water Treatment Plant using a Weighted Attribute Method with a price weighting of 40%. E. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to award the contract to the preferred contractor following the procurement process provided that the tendered amounts are within the approved budget and subject to the revised Procurement Policy being adopted (25.1.14). |
1 Procurement Schedule for Ranfurly and Patearoa Protozoa Barriers |
To consider procurement of protozoa barrier treatment for the Patearoa Water Treatment Plant. After discussion it was agreed that part E of the resolution could only be enacted if the revised procurement policy was adopted and that the resolution should be changed to reflect this. It was also noted that staff planned to procure both of the protozoa barrier projects together. The proposed procurement schedules were tabled for Councillors to consider the timeframes for these projects. |
Moved: Alley Seconded: Paterson That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves installation of a cartridge and ultraviolet (UV) treatment solution as an affordable option to meet the New Zealand Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules C. Notes that a cartridge and ultraviolet (UV) treatment solution: (a) Will have a treatment capacity limit that is likely to require water conservation measures when source water experiences high turbidity (b) Operational costs will rise to meet increased electricity and plant operations associated with additional treatment processes D. Approves procurement of protozoa barrier treatment for the Patearoa Water Treatment Plant. (a) Tenders to be evaluated on a Weighted Attribute Method with a price weighting of 40%. E. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to award the contract to the preferred contractor following the procurement process provided that that the tendered amounts are within the approved budget and subject to the revised Procurement Policy being adopted (25.1.14). |
1 Procurement Schedule for Ranfurly and Patearoa Protozoa Barriers |
Note: Cr Gillespie assumed the Chair as the Planning and Regulatory portfolio lead.
To consider Stage 2 of the District Plan review programme. |
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Cooney That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves Stage 2 of the District Plan review programme as outlined |
Note: Her Worship the Mayor resumed the Chair.
Note: Cr Feinerman left the meeting at 12.00 pm and returned at 12.01 pm.
Note: Cr McPherson left the meeting at 12.00 pm and returned at 12.02 pm.
To consider supporting a recommendation to the Otago Group Manager of Civil Defence Emergency Management that Central Otago District Council employee, Patrick Keenan, be appointed as a Local Controller in accordance with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act. |
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Feinerman That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Recommends to the Otago Civil Defence Emergency Group Manager that Patrick Keenan, a Central Otago District Council employee be appointed as a Local Civil Defence Controller (statutory position). |
Note: With the permission of the meeting, item 25.1.15 was moved forward.
Her Worship the Mayor spoke to her report. |
Moved: Alley Seconded: Gillespie That the Council receives the report. |
To consider updates made to the Risk Management Policy as part of its soft review and to consider the newly created Risk Appetite Statement. |
Moved: McPherson Seconded: Browne That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Adopts the revised Risk Management Policy. C. Adopts the new Risk Appetite Statement. |
To consider revisions made to the Procurement Policy as part of its scheduled review. |
Moved: Feinerman Seconded: McKinlay That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Adopts the revised Procurement Policy. |
Note: The meeting adjourned at 12.27 pm and resumed at 1.01 pm.
Note: With the permission of the meeting, item 25.1.24 was moved forward.
Note: Tom Lucas from Rationale joined the meeting for item 25.1.24.
Note: Cr Duncan returned to the meeting at 1.02 pm.
Note: Cr Gillespie left the meeting at 1.16 pm and returned at 1.17 pm.
Note: Cr Paterson left the meeting at 1.58 pm and returned at 2.21 pm.
Note: Cr McPherson left the meeting at 3.01 pm.
Note: Cr McPherson returned to the meeting at 3.04 pm.
To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations, consider Council’s forward work programme, business plan and status report updates.
Moved: Feinerman Seconded: McKinlay That the report be received. |
The date of the next scheduled meeting is 26 February 2025.
13 Resolution to Exclude the Public
Moved: Alley Seconded: Paterson That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
The public were excluded at 3.06 pm and the meeting closed at 3.16 pm.