Cromwell Community
HELD IN THE Cromwell
Service Centre, 42 The Mall, Cromwell
2.01 pm
PRESENT: Ms A Harrison (Chair), Mr B Scott, Cr S Browne, Cr N Gillespie, Cr C Laws, Ms M McConnell (via Microsoft Teams), Mr W Sanford
IN ATTENDANCE: T Alley (Mayor), P Kelly (Chief Executive Officer), S Righarts (Group Manager - Business Support), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), G Robinson (Property and Facilities Manager), G Bailey (Parks and Recreations Manager), M Burnett (Parks Officer – Strategy and Planning), G Chrystall (Facility Experience Manager), R Williams (Community Development Advisor), M Tohill (Communications Officer), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)
1 Apologies
There were no apologies.
2 Public Forum
Martin Anderson and Jennifer Hay – Cromwell Museum Emergency Funding
Mr Anderson spoke to the Cromwell Museums current deficit in budget due, in part, to the unsuccessful Lotteries grant application. He noted that they require $25,000 until the end of the financial year to cover expected costs. He described the volunteers' efforts in planning the transfer of the museum's collection to the Cromwell Memorial Hall, as well as the future work that would be needed in the assessment and curation of the collection for display in the new building.
Mr Anderson then responded to questions.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Moved: Browne Seconded: Gillespie That the public minutes of the Cromwell Community Board Meeting held on 9 December 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record. |
4 Declarations of Interest
Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.
To consider the draft principles and outcomes that will underpin the land investment strategy. Discussion followed and the board requested that there was reference to the original purpose of the endowment land. It was also noted that there should be the inclusion of the long-term strategic view of the board of the day. It was also suggested that any relevant planning documents should be included in the strategy as an appendix and that this document should be regularly updated and reviewed annually. A more clear explanation of the term ‘sustainable growth’ was also requested to be added to the strategy. |
Moved: Gillespie Seconded: Laws That the Cromwell Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Agrees with the draft principles and outcomes for the strategy as detailed in the report subject to amendments. C. Agrees that these draft principles and outcomes form the basis of the strategy and that work continues to develop the strategy subject to amendments. D. Recommends to Council that they note work has begun on the land investment strategy and that the current draft principle and outcomes will underpin the strategy subject to amendments. |
Note: Cr Browne left the meeting at 2.51 pm
The Mayor gave the attached update of her activities in the district. |
Moved: Scott Seconded: Sanford That the Cromwell Community Board receives the report. |
1 Mayor's Report - February 2025 |
The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting. · Had enjoyed hosting family members to the region and had enjoyed exploring the district with her visitors throughout the summer. · Noted she is now concentrating on the school year and working with her staff to implement the Ministry of Education's new curriculum directives. · She outlined the busy year ahead for the Board and added that she is looking forward to seeing the progress of the Cromwell Memorial Hall. |
Moved: Sanford Seconded: Laws That the report be received. |
Members gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting. Mr Scott reported on the following: · Noted that he had been unwell for much of the Christmas period. · Attended the Grand Prix at Highlands Motorsport Centre, acknowledging the success of the event and the large number of visitors from all over the country who were in attendance. Cr Gillespie reported on the following: · Gave an update on recent Hearings Panel meetings. · Gave an update on the December and January Council meetings, noted the consultation on Alcohol-free zones is underway, the approval of the Community Board Grants budgets and the approval of the draft Long-term plan consultation document. Mr Sanford reported on the following: · Noted that he had stayed local throughout the Christmas break and enjoyed the Central Otago summer. · Had been approached by the ‘Friends of Cromwell Cemetery’ who asked for clarification on when improvements might be scheduled. · Had been contacted by Dunstan Hospital Operational Group to see if any board members would like to be involved. Cr Laws reported on the following: · Noted she had spent much of the holidays working and visiting a sick family member in hospital in Dunedin. · Gave an update on recent Council meetings. · Was an apology at the recent Heritage Precinct meeting. Ms McConnell reported on the following: · Noted that she was privileged to experience an Outward Bound course recently.
Moved: Scott Seconded: Sanford That the report be received. |
To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates. |
Moved: Gillespie Seconded: Laws That the report be received. |
Video given to introduce the work undertaken to form a play strategy. |
Moved: Gillespie Seconded: Scott |
Note: Cr Browne returned to the meeting at 3.24pm
The date of the next scheduled meeting is 25 March 2025.
Note: The meeting was adjourned at 3.31pm and reopened at 4.17pm
11 Resolution to Exclude the Public
That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
The public were excluded at 4.08pm and the meeting closed at 4.19pm