Cromwell Community Board Meeting Monday, 10 February 2025
Date: |
Monday, 10 February 2025 |
Time: |
2.00 pm |
Location: |
Cromwell Service Centre, 42 The Mall, Cromwell
(A link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council's website.)
Peter Kelly Chief Executive Officer |
10 February 2025 |
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Cromwell Community Board will be held in Cromwell Service Centre, 42 The Mall, Cromwell and live streamed via Microsoft Teams on Monday, 10 February 2025 at 2.00 pm. The link to the live stream will be available on the Central Otago District Council’s website.
Order Of Business
Cromwell Community Board Meeting - 9 December 2024
25.1.1 Declarations of Interest Register
25.1.2 Land Investment Strategy - Principles and Outcomes
25.1.6 February 2025 Governance Report
11 Resolution to Exclude the Public
25.1.8 February 2025 Confidential Governance Report
Members Ms A Harrison (Chair), Mr B Scott, Cr S Browne, Cr N Gillespie, Cr C Laws, Ms M McConnell, Mr W Sanford
In Attendance T Alley (Mayor), P Kelly (Chief Executive Officer), S Righarts (Group Manager - Business Support), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), L Webster (Acting Group Manager - Planning and Infrastructure), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)
Cromwell Community Board - 9 December 2024
10 February 2025 |
Cromwell Community
HELD IN THE Cromwell
Service Centre, 42 The Mall, Cromwell
2.06 pm
PRESENT: Ms A Harrison, Mr B Scott, Cr S Browne, Cr C Laws, Mr W Sanford, Cr Gillespie (via Microsoft Teams)
IN ATTENDANCE: T Alley (Mayor), P Kelly (Chief Executive Officer), S Righarts (Group Manager - Business Support), D Rushbrook (Group Manager - Community Vision), D Scoones (Group Manager - Community Experience), L Webster (Acting Group Manager - Planning and Infrastructure), A Mason (Media and Marketing Manager), R Williams (Community Development Advisor), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), M Burnett (Parks Officer – Strategy/Planning), H Giles (Property and Facilities Officer - Cromwell), A Crosbie (Senior Strategy Advisor), A Rodgers (Principal Policy Planner), P Morris (Chief Financial Officer), J Remnant (Asset Management Team Leader), P Penno (Community and Engagement Manager), P Quinn (Project Manager), M Tohill (Communications Officer), W McEnteer (Governance Manager), S Reynolds (Governance Support Officer)
1 Apologies
Committee Resolution Moved: Laws Seconded: Sanford That apologies for lateness from Cr N Gillespie and Ms M McConnell be received and accepted. Ms McConnell did not join any part of the meeting. Carried |
2 Public Forum
Lisa Lowrey - Cromwell Early Learning Centre Inc. - potential property purchase
Ms Lowrey spoke about the opportunity offered to the Cromwell Early Learning Centre Inc. to purchase the adjacent property which would allow the centre to expand their facilities and to offer childcare for children under two, in order to better serve the current and future needs of the community. She outlined that they had undertaken a feasibility study and had approached external funders but requested some funding from council in order to complete the purchase of the site.
Ms Lowrey then responded to questions.
Paula Clark - Cromwell sports club
Ms Clark noted that the sports clubs position had not changed since they last presented to the board in February 2023. She stated that plans had not been updated since this presentation and that the club did not want to incur costs by requesting a requote on the building costs previously indicated.
Ms Clark then responded to questions.
Stephen Carruth - Lake Dunstan east side trail grant
Mr Carruth thanked the board members and Councillors for their service to the community and for the work that they undertake. However, he noted that he believed the board had made an error in giving a grant to part fund a feasibility study for a proposed bike trail along the east side of Lake Dunstan. He stated that in the current economic climate such developments should be funded by private enterprise who would benefit from such initiatives.
Note: Cr Gillespie joined the meeting at 2.31 pm.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Committee Resolution Moved: Browne Seconded: Sanford That the public minutes of the Cromwell Community Board Meeting held on 5 November 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record. Carried |
4 Declarations of Interest
Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests.
5 Reports
24.11.2 Cromwell and Districts Promotion Group Accountability Report 2023-2024 year activities |
To receive the accountability report from Cromwell and Districts Promotions Group for the 2023-2024 year activities that received a promotions grant from the Board. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Browne Seconded: Scott That the report be received. Carried |
Note: The meeting returned to public forum to allow an additional speaker to be heard.
Note: Cr Gillespie declared a conflict of interest in this item due to his membership of the Cromwell RSA.
Peter Svennson, from the Cromwell RSA
Mr Svennson spoke on behalf of the President Dennis Ryan and noted disappointment from members on some of the design features proposed in the design of the Cromwell Memorial Hall memorial gardens. He stated that they requested an inscription panel with the ‘Ode of Remembrance’ in English. He also asked with urgency that the RSA received written confirmation that this is part of the final design and asked that the group were kept informed through the remainder of the build.
24.11.3 Grant Budget Recommendations |
To consider the provision of Community Board grants and confirm the value of relevant grant budgets. It was noted that conversations with supercars are underway and are looking favourable, but there is not any further information on this proposed event that could be shared. Discussion followed on the possible inclusion of the Cromwell Sports Club development and the Cromwell Early Learning Centre Inc. purchase as consultation items in the 2025/34 draft Long-term Plan. It was noted that these items should be recommended to Council in order for them to be considered for the consultation documents that were being produced in early 2025. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Browne Seconded: Scott That the Cromwell Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Recommends to Council a total of $50,000 be allocated through the LTP budget process for Community Grants in 2025/26. C. Recommends to Council a total of $106,210 be allocated through the LTP budget process for Promotions & Event Grants in 2025/26. D. To recommend to Council that a district grant of $250,000 is included for the Cromwell Sports Club as part of the draft 2025/34 Long-term Plan. E. To recommend to Council that a potential ward grant of up to $500,000 is included for Cromwell Early Learning Centre, subject to further information around time frames and funding options, be considered as part of the draft 2025/34 Long-term Plan. Carried with Cr Gillespie abstaining on parts D and E. |
24.11.4 Update to the Register of Delegations for Community Boards |
To consider changes to the Register of Delegations as they apply to community boards. The document was approved with minor wording changes that would be edited before the report went to Council. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Gillespie Seconded: Sanford That the report be received. Carried |
24.11.5 Naming of Reserve in Bannockburn |
To consider the naming of a Local Purpose (Recreation) reserve in Bannockburn. It was noted that there had been strong community support for this naming and that from the submission period there were only two submissions received and both were favourable. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Browne Seconded: Scott That the Cromwell Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Approves that the local purpose (recreation) reserve land legally described as: · Lot 1 DP 452123 · Lot 2 DP 452123 · Lot 3 DP 452123 · Lot 4 DP 452123; and · The land and covered by easement instrument 10062755.1 is to be formally named “Campbell Lane”. Carried |
24.11.6 Cromwell Aerodrome - Medical Helipad |
To inform the Community Board regarding the proposal from the Cromwell Lions Club to establish a medical helipad at the Cromwell Aerodrome. It was discussed that there was a zero cost implication for council as funds had been externally raised by the Cromwell Lions Club. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Laws Seconded: Browne That the report be received. Carried |
Note: Mr Scott left the meeting at 3.26 pm and returned at 3.28 pm.
24.11.7 Managing Unreasonable Complainant Conduct |
To update the Board on the Unreasonable Complainant Conduct workstream and seek feedback before finalising the relevant policies in early 2025. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Sanford Seconded: Laws That the report be received. Carried |
24.11.8 Fast-Track Approvals Bill 2024 |
To inform the Board of the process regarding applications submitted for the Fast-Track Approvals Bill 2024 within the Central Otago district. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Sanford Seconded: Gillespie That the report be received. Carried |
Note: With permission of the meeting item 24.11.11 was heard first.
6 Mayor’s Report
24.11.11 Mayor's Report Her Worship the Mayor gave an update on the following: · Noted that she had enjoyed the six weeks into the new role. · Attended a CODC Emergency Management exercise, and observed that it was an excellent opportunity to practise what council and external agencies might be required to undertake in a major event. · Spoke with community members and groups on the proposed developments from Santana Minerals, and on the fast-track application process and encouraged all to be informed on the matter. · Gave a report from the LGNZ conference in Wellington, noting there does seem to be more willingness from Central Government to listen to alternative ideas and promote collaboration. She also gave an update on the latest developments in water services delivery. · Noted the big topics on the table for community boards, namely the potential divestment of halls and the consultation items for the Long-term plan. · She thanked the Cromwell Community Board for their service to the community in 2024 in challenging economic times and wished all members and the Cromwell community a happy Christmas. She also encouraged everyone to do their Christmas shopping locally this year. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Sanford Seconded: Laws That the Cromwell Community Board receives the report. Carried |
24.11.9 Level of Service - Cromwell Buildings |
To consider the level of service for Cromwell buildings as part of the Long-Term Plan 2025/34 process. It was discussed that some hall bookings were not recorded as a formal hire and therefore the booking numbers recorded could be conservative. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Laws Seconded: Sanford That the Cromwell Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Recommends to Council that the following buildings are retained as budgeted in the draft Long-Term Plan 2025/34: · Tarras Hall · Cromwell Museum building Carried |
24.11.10 Cromwell Financial Report for the Period Ending 30 September 2024 |
To consider the financial performance overview as at 30 September 2024. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Laws Seconded: Browne That the report be received. Carried |
7 Chair's Report
24.11.12 Chair's Report |
The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting. · Met with members of the Tarras Community to hear an update from Sustainable Tarras and noted the communities concerns around the proposed mining activity, and their work in gathering information and reviewing the environmental impacts of the development. · Attended the AGM and end of year function for the Central Otago Principals' Association and acknowledged Wendy Bamford for her notable career in education. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Harrison Seconded: Scott That the report be received. Carried |
8 Members' Reports
24.11.13 Members' Reports |
Members gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting. Cr Gillespie reported on the following: · Gave an update on the November Council meeting and workshop. · Attended a Hearings Panel meeting. · Attended a community meeting in Tarras and commented on the problem of the fast track application process that disempowers the community to have a say. Mr Sanford reported on the following: · Attended four Christmas parties and a couple of fishing competitions. · Attended the opening for Paterson Pitts new office space in the Cromwell mall. Cr Laws reported on the following: · Attended Council Long-term Plan workshops. · Attended an Old Cromwell Meeting. · Gave an update on the November Council meeting, particularly noting the investigations underway to explore the formation of a regional entity to provide water services. · Attended the Council Christmas lunch at Orchard Gardens. · Was an regrettably an apology for the Cromwell Community House Christmas lunch for pensioners. Mr Scott reported on the following: · Noted that unfortunately he had been in Dunedin hospital for some weeks over the last few months and reported on the lack of resourcing at the hospital, stated that he believes there should not be funding cuts to the new hospital and that we should be advocating for a hospital in Central Otago. Cr Browne reported on the following: · Attended a AF8 simulation training day · Attended a Sports field workshop looking at development options for the Racecourse reserve in Cromwell. · Attended an Alexandra athletics club country meet at Molyneux Park. · Attended the Dunstan Zone Triathlon Anderson Park and noted the great facility. · Had attended many Christmas catch ups and had communicated with members of the community on a number of matters. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Laws Seconded: Browne That the report be received. Carried |
9 Status Reports
Note: Mr Sanford left the meeting at 4.39 pm and returned at 4.44 pm
Note: Edward Jolly from Jasmax joined the meeting for item 24.11.14 (via Microsoft teams) to give an update on the Cromwell Racecourse Reserve Recreation Plan.
24.11.14 December 2024 Governance Report |
To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates. An update on the draft proposal on the Cromwell Racecourse Reserve was given. |
Committee Resolution Moved: Scott Seconded: Laws That the report be received. Carried |
Attachments 1 CCB Presentation - Cromwell Racecourse Reserve.pdf |
10 Date of The Next Meeting
The date of the next scheduled meeting is 14 January 2025.
Note: Mr Scott left the meeting at 5.01pm
11 Resolution to Exclude the Public
Committee Resolution Moved: Browne Seconded: Laws That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Carried |
The public were excluded at 5.01 pm and the meeting closed at 5.03 pm.
4 Declarations of Interest
25.1.1 Declarations of Interest Register
Doc ID: 2016191
1. Purpose
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Appendix 1 - CCB Declarations of Interest ⇩
5 Reports
25.1.2 Land Investment Strategy - Principles and Outcomes
Doc ID: 2382868
Report Author: |
Saskia Righarts, Group Manager - Business Support |
Reviewed and authorised by: |
Peter Kelly, Chief Executive Officer |
1. Purpose of Report
To consider the draft principles and outcomes that will underpin the land investment strategy.
That the Cromwell Community Board A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Agrees with the draft principles and outcomes for the strategy as detailed in the report. C. Agrees that these draft principles and outcomes form the basis of the strategy and that work continues to develop the strategy. D. Recommends to Council that they note work has begun on the land investment strategy and that the current draft principle and outcomes will underpin the strategy.
2. Background
The Board has been discussing the development land investment strategy. This strategy is focused on the Cromwell endowment land, but it is intended that it could form the basis of other developments. At the Board meeting on 5 November 2024 the project plan was discussed, and the Board supported the work commencing (refer to appendix 1). At the meeting on 9 December 2024 the Board discussed the principles and outcomes that will underpin this strategy.
3. Discussion
The report attached reflects what was understood to be the draft investment principles and outcomes discussed at the workshop on 9 December 2024. Endorsement is sought from the Board that the report reflects the outputs from the workshop, and if not, amendments are made so the work can progress to the next steps. Of note, the district vision is yet to be finalised so the draft document is based on the organisational vision at this stage and is likely to need some amendments prior to finalisation. The proposed five investment principles and four investment outcomes, however, are reflective of what was understood to be the outputs of the workshop.
The proposed investment principles are:
· To recognise Central Otago District Council’s mission to support and enable a safe, healthy and thriving community and environment and to ensure all investment decisions as they relate to the Cromwell Ward are consistent with this mission.
· To make decisions that are consistent with the original purpose of the Endowment Land and advance the betterment of Cromwell.
· Recognise that there may be immediate imperatives, that circumstances change, and that new opportunities arise. Build upon previous work and make investment decisions that have an identifiable long-term strategic benefit for Cromwell.
· To recognise and represent our current and future community and its aspirations as captured in the Cromwell Masterplan and Vision and associated Spatial Plan.
· Decisions are evidence based and transparent. They acknowledge the purpose of the Endowment Land and represent the aspirations of the community.
The proposed investment outcomes are:
· The considered growth of Cromwell that provides for residential and commercial demand and which respects Cromwell’s attributes and unique location.
· Continued support for established industries and existing businesses and promotion of a diversified and resilient local economy.
· The risk and benefits of all investment decisions are fully evaluated and understood and the CCB manages a diverse property portfolio that minimises exposure by spreading risk.
· To use the Endowment Land resource as a platform for reinvesting in meaningful social infrastructure that strengthens our community and enhances our local environment.
4. Financial Considerations
There are no immediate considerations in the development of this strategy. The Board and Council will be presented with a proposed plan for the Bannockburn Road development (Cromwell endowment land), alongside predicted costs and income for the development.
5. Options
Option 1 – (Recommended)
Agrees with the draft principles and outcomes for the strategy and that work continues to develop the strategy.
· Will enable development of the strategy in a timely manner
· Will enable a framework for decision making by this and future Boards
· Ensures transparency with the community on the approach to the developing the endowment land.
· None identified.
Option 2
Agrees with the draft principles and outcomes for the strategy as amended by the Board and that work continues to develop the strategy.
· Will enable development of the strategy in a timely manner
· Will enable a framework for decision making by this and future Boards
· Ensures transparency with the community on the approach to the developing the endowment land.
· None identified.
Option 3
Does not agree with the draft principles and outcomes for the strategy and that work continues to develop the strategy.
· None identified.
· May result in the development of endowment land (and the proceeds) not being used in a strategic way as intended by the Board
· May result in ad-hoc decisions over time
· May not meet the expectations of the community.
6. Compliance
Local Government Act 2002 Purpose Provisions |
This decision promotes the social, economic, environmental wellbeing of communities, in the present and for the future by ensuring that the development of endowment land in Cromwell is developed in accordance with a sound strategy.
Decision consistent with other Council plans and policies? Such as the District Plan, Economic Development Strategy etc. |
Considerations as to sustainability, the environment and climate change impacts |
These will be considered in the development of the strategy.
Risks Analysis |
There are no risks in adopting this report
Significance, Consultation and Engagement (internal and external) |
This decision does not meet the level of public engagement or consultation under the Significance and Engagement Policy.
7. Next Steps
Pending agreement of the draft principles and outcomes, work on the substance of the strategy will commence. An update will also be provided to Council on with this work.
Appendix 1 - Cromwell Endowment Land Investment Strategy ⇩
6 Mayor’s Report
Doc ID: 2015417
1. Purpose
To consider an update from Her Worship the Mayor.
That the Cromwell Community Board receives the report.
Her Worship the Mayor will give a verbal update on activities and issues of interest since the last meeting.
7 Chair's Report
Doc ID: 2015592
1. Purpose
The Chair will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.
That the report be received.
8 Members' Reports
Doc ID: 2016099
1. Purpose
Members will give an update on activities and issues since the last meeting.
That the report be received.
9 Status Reports
25.1.6 February 2025 Governance Report
Doc ID: 2016454
Report Author: |
Sarah Reynolds, Governance Support Officer |
Reviewed and authorised by: |
Saskia Righarts, Group Manager - Business Support |
1. Purpose
To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the status report updates.
That the report be received.
2. Discussion
Cromwell Works Update
Cromwell Memorial Hall
Construction shutdown from 20th December 2024 until 20th of January 2025. There were a few staff on site from 6th January but a skeleton crew.
The next CAPEX report will be available from mid-February and will be emailed to members and included in the next meeting agenda.
Gair Ave Subdivision
Stage 1A and 1B civil construction tender has been awarded to Southroads. Engineers’ approval for earthworks has been approved and the contract for earthworks will be finalised in early February.
Request for Approval for Real estate agent and potential Building Construction Partner for Stage 1B release dates delayed until Feb/March 2025.
Status Reports
The status reports have been updated with any actions since the previous meeting (see Appendix 1).
Appendix 1 - CCB Status Update ⇩
25.1.7 Update - Play StRategy
Doc ID: 2014911
Report Author: |
Maria Burnett, Parks Officer - Planning and Strategy |
Reviewed and authorised by: |
David Scoones, Group Manager - Community Experience |
1. Purpose
To consider the introduction to the play strategy work.
That the report be received.
2. Discussion
Presentation via video.
10 February 2025 |
10 Date of the Next Meeting
The date of the next scheduled meeting is 25 March 2025.
10 February 2025 |
11 Resolution to Exclude the Public
That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: