MINUTES OF A mEETING OF THE Vincent Community Board
Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra and live streamed on microsoft teams
Tuesday, 16 November 2021 COMMENCING AT 2.00 pm


PRESENT:               Cr M McPherson (Chairperson), Mr R Garbutt (Deputy Chair), Dr R Browne, Cr L Claridge, Cr I Cooney, Ms A Robinson, Ms S Stirling-Lindsay

IN ATTENDANCE: T Cadogan (Mayor), L van der Voort (Acting Chief Executive Officer), L Macdonald (Executive Manager - Corporate Services), J Muir (Executive Manager - Infrastructure Services), L Webster (Acting Executive Manager - Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), G Robinson (Property and Facilities Manager), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), C Martin (Property and Facilities Officer – Vincent and Teviot Valley), N Aaron (Community Development Officer), D McKewen (Accountant) and W McEnteer (Governance Support Officer)


1               Apologies

There were no apologies.

2               Public Forum

There was no public forum.

3               Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Cooney

Seconded:          Robinson

That the public minutes of the Vincent Community Board Meeting held on 11 October 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record with the following amendment to Mr Garbutt’s Members’ Report in item 21.8.8: Attended two meetings of the Central Otago Heritage Trust.



4               Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of their obligations in respect of declaring any interests. There were no further declarations of interest.


Note:         Dr Malcolm McPherson from Alexandra and Districts Museum Incorporated joined the meeting via Microsoft Teams for item 21.9.2.

5               Reports

21.9.2         Alexandra District Museum Inc Annual Grant Report 2020-21

To provide an accountability report on the objectives and actions of the Alexandra District Museum Inc over the 2020/21 financial year.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the report be received.



21.9.3         Clyde Museum Redevelopment - Clyde Police Lock-up

To consider approving a budget for the relocation of the Clyde Police Lock-up before the adjacent vacant section is developed.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Claridge

Seconded:          Browne

That the Vincent Community Board

A.      Receives the report and accepts the level of significance.

B.      Approves the proposal to move the Clyde Police Lock-up from the rear of the Blyth Street Museum (Lot 1 Deposited Plan 27008) to a location near the Clyde Railway Station on the Railway Station Recreational Reserve (Lot 31 Deposited Plan 19044).

C.      Approves the budget of $46,000 to be funded from the Vincent General Reserves (4111).

D.      Agree to issue a lease to the Clyde Historical Museum Group Incorporated over approximately 30m2 of the Clyde Railway Station Recreation Reserve.

This lease will be issued under the Reserves Act 1977 and is subject to the Community Leasing and Licensing Policy.



21.9.4         Alexandra Rugby Football Club Power Account

To consider a request from the Alexandra Rugby Football Club for reimbursement of a portion of historical electricity invoices.

After discussion it was agreed to let the item lie on the table pending further engagement with the Alexandra Rugby Football Club. The item would return to the February 2022 meeting.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Stirling-Lindsay

Seconded:          Robinson

That the item be left to lie on the table pending further engagement with the Alexandra Rugby Football Club.



21.9.5         Vincent Financial Report for the Period Ending 30 September 2021

To consider the financial performance overview as at 30 September 2021.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                McPherson

Seconded:          Cooney

That the report be received.



6               Mayor’s Report

21.9.6         MAYOR'S REPORT

His Worship the Mayor gave an update on his activities since the last meeting:


·             Attended Coffee and Chat sessions.

·             Attended the Dunstan High School golf tournament.

·             Attended and MC’d the Eden Hore Central Otago event at the Orchard Garden. Noted that it was a very successful event.

·             Noted an upcoming community meeting at Cambrians to discuss potential impacts of the Water Services Act.

·             Gave an update to Members on the current issues in the Three Waters space.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                McPherson

Seconded:          Claridge

That the Vincent Community Board receives the report.



7               Chair's Report

21.9.7         Chair's Report

The Chair gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting:

·       Attended the Council meeting and gave an update on items that were presented.

·       Attended recent meetings of the Hearings Panel. Noted that the meetings had become longer and more intense recently. Gave an update on topics of recent Hearings Panel meetings.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Garbutt

Seconded:          Robinson

That the report be received.



8               Members' Reports

21.9.8         Members' Reports

Members gave an update on activities and issues since the last meeting:

Dr Browne reported on the following:

·       Attended two Alexandra and Districts Museum Incorporated meetings.

·       Attended the Alexandra and Districts Museum Incorporated AGM.

·       Attended a meeting of the Central Otago Districts Arts Trust.

·       Attended the Alexandra Business Breakfast.

·       Attended a number of sessions of U3A.

·       Attended the AGM for the Last Chance Irrigation Company.

·       Attended a workshop on the Alexandra airport.

·       Attended a meeting of the Creative Writers Circle.

Ms Robinson reported on the following:

·       Noted the hanging baskets in Centennial Avenue hung by Keep Alexandra / Clyde Beautiful.

·       Attended a strategy meeting for Alexandra Community House.

·       Attended the Omakau Catchment Group forum.

·       Attended the AGM for the Last Chance Irrigation Company.

Ms Stirling-Lindsay reported on the following:

·       Attended a strategy meeting for Alexandra Community House.

·       Attended a meeting of the Central Otago Districts Arts Trust.

·       Attended a Blossom Festival meeting

·       Noted the recent changes to vaping laws and noted problems with people vaping on buses.

·       Noted incoming law changes for people smoking in their cars

·       Noted that Alexandra hosted the Central Otago BMX Championships recently.

Councillor Claridge reported on the following:

·       Noted that she was an apology for the last Council meeting.

·       Attended the Dunstan High School prizegiving live stream event.

Councillor Cooney reported on the following:

·       Attended the ILM workshop and museum strategy review sessions.

·       Attended the Council meeting and updated Members on some of the items discussed.

·       Attended a Hearings Panel meeting via Microsoft Teams.

Mr Garbutt reported on the following:

·       Attended a Hospice fundraising planning meeting.

·       Attended a meeting of Central Otago Heritage Trust and Promote Dunstan.

·       Attended a meeting of Clyde Museum and attended the AGM.

·       Attended a Dunstan Golf Club committee meeting.

·       Met with Central Otago Heritage Trust to discuss the Museum Trust.

·       Noted that he had been on a number of the cycles trails recently.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                McPherson

Seconded:          Stirling-Lindsay

That the report be received.



9               Status Reports

21.9.9         November 2021 Governance Report

To report on items of general interest, receive minutes and updates from key organisations and consider the legacy and current status report updates.

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                McPherson

Seconded:          Cooney

That the report be received.



10             Date of The Next Meeting

The date of the next scheduled meeting is 1 February 2022.

11             Resolution to Exclude the Public

Committee Resolution 

Moved:                Stirling-Lindsay

Seconded:          Garbutt

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

Confidential Minutes of Ordinary Board Meeting

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

21.9.10 - November 2021 Confidential Governance Report

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




The public were excluded at 3.15 pm and the meeting closed at 3.17 pm.




                                                                                      CHAIR        /         /